VCO FITS header keyword dictionary version 6 ============================================================================== This dictionary contains FITS header keywords that have been used in FITS files provided by Akatsuki Science Team. 1. Notes ======== 1.1. Special prefixes for keyword. ---------------------------------- - Keyword prefixed with 'P_' is common keyword for all camera. - Keyword prefixed with 'S_' is common keyword for all camera, but is calculated using SPICE. - Keyword prefixed with 'UV_' is UVI-specific keyword. - Keyword prefixed with 'I1_' is IR1-specific keyword. - Keyword prefixed with 'I2_' is IR2-specific keyword. - Keyword prefixed with 'LI_' is LIR-specific keyword. 1.2. Rules on comments ---------------------- - Use small letter as default. - If you use abbreviation, use only capital letter. - First character of proper noun should be capital letter, such as Venus. - Name of keyword, value of keyword, name of coordinate axis and units are allowed to use capital letter. - If the value of keyword have units, you must include unit in the comments with brackets [ ]. - Use units as written in FITS Standard. 1.3. Versions ------------- This dictionary corresponds to the dictionary versions as follows: - P_DVER: 20191112 - UV_DVER: 20180424 - I1_DVER: 20180817 - I2_DVER: 20161218 - LI_DVER: 20180210 2. Description of the format of this dictionary =============================================== 2.1. KEYWORD ------------ lastupdate: date of last update in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) status: status of the keyword (null, proposed, approved or obsoleted) ref_name: name of the reference ref_url: URL that documents the keyword hdu: allowed type of HDU; primary, extension, image, table, or any datatype: string, logical, integer, or real comment: short description of the keyword level: exists in what level; L1, L2, any pds3: (possible) name of entry corresponding to PDS3 label. unit: name of unit appeared in PDS3 label. definition: full description of the keyword example(s): - example(s) of the keyword value. 3. Standard Keywords ==================== 4. Commonly used Keywords ========================= 4.1. SIMPLE ----------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: primary datatype: logical comment: conformity to FITS standard level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a logical constant with the value T if the file conforms to this standard. This keyword is mandatory for the primary header and must not appear in extension headers. A value of F signifies that the file does not conform to this standard. example(s): - T 4.2. BITPIX ----------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: integer comment: number of bits per data pixel level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain an integer. The absolute value is used in computing the sizes of data structures. It shall specify the number of bits that represent a data value in the associated data array. The only valid values of BITPIX are 8, 16, 32, 64, -32 and -64. Writers of FITS arrays should select a BITPIX data type appropriate to the form, range of values, and accuracy of the data in the array. example(s): - 16 - -32 4.3. NAXIS ---------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: integer comment: number of data axes level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer no greater than 999 representing the number of axes in the associated data array. A value of zero signifies that no data follow the header in the HDU. example(s): - 0 4.4. EXTEND ----------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: primary datatype: logical comment: possibility of presence of extensions level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a logical value indicating whether the FITS file is allowed to contain conforming extensions following the primary HDU. This keyword may only appear in the primary header and must not appear in an extension header. If the value field is T then there may be conforming extensions in the FITS file following the primary HDU. This keyword is only advisory, so its presence with a value T does not require that the FITS file contains extensions, nor does the absence of this keyword necessarily imply that the file does not contain extensions. example(s): - T 4.5. ORIGIN ----------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: string comment: organization responsible for the data level: any pds3: PRODUCER_ID unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string identifying the organization or institution responsible for creating the FITS file. example(s): - 'ISAS/JAXA' - 'VCO/UVI team' - 'VCO/LEON team' - 'VCO/LIR team' 4.6. NEXTEND ------------ lastupdate: status: ref_name: NOAO FITS Keyword Dictionary: Version 1.0 ref_url: hdu: primary datatype: integer comment: number of standard extensions level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer giving the number of standard extensions contained in the FITS file. This keyword may only be used in the primary array header. example(s): - 1 4.7. TELESCOP ------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: string comment: telescope used to acquire data level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string identifying the telescope used to acquire the data associated with the header. example(s): - 'VCO' 4.8. END -------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: This keyword has no associated value. Bytes 9 through 80 shall be filled with ASCII spaces (decimal 32 or hexadecimal 20). The END keyword marks the logical end of the header and must occur in the last 2880-byte FITS block of the header. example(s): - (Note: this keyword doesn't have value.) 4.9. XTENSION ------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: extension datatype: string comment: type of extension level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string giving the name of the extension type. This keyword is mandatory for an extension header and must not appear in the primary header. To preclude conflict, extension type names must be registered with the IAUFWG. An up-to-date list is maintained on the FITS Support Office web site. example(s): - 'IMAGE' 4.10. DATE ---------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: string comment: date of file creation in UTC (for primary), date of generation of this HDU in UTC (for extension) level: any pds3: PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string giving the date on which the HDU was created, in the form YYYY-MM-DD, or the date and time when the HDU was created, in the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss...], where YYYY shall be the four-digit calendar year number, MM the two-digit month number with January given by 01 and December by 12, and DD the two-digit day of the month. When both date and time are given, the literal T shall separate the date and time, hh shall be the two-digit hour in the day, mm the two-digit number of minutes after the hour, and ss[.sss...] the number of seconds (two digits followed by an optional fraction) after the minute. Default values must not be given to any portion of the date/time string, and leading zeros must not be omitted. The decimal part of the seconds field is optional and may be arbitrarily long, so long as it is consistent with the rules for value formats of Sect. 4.2 in the reference. Otherwise said, the format for DATE keywords written after January 1, 2000 shall be the ISO-8601 datetime form described in Sect. 9.1.1 in the reference. See also Sect. 9.5 in the reference. The value of the DATE keyword shall always be expressed in UTC when in this format, for all data sets created on Earth. example(s): - '2016-08-30T13:31:25' 4.11. DATE-BEG -------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: date of the start of observation in UTC level: any pds3: START_TIME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the date on which the observation started in UTC. This keyword has the same format, and is used in conjunction with, the standard DATA-END keyword that gives the ending date of the observation, and the standard DATE-OBS keyword that gives the date of middle of the observation. These three keywords may give the full date and time using the 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss]' format. example(s): - '2016-05-02T12:25:32.045' - 'N/A' 4.12. DATE-OBS -------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: date of the middle of observation in UTC level: any pds3: OBSERVATION_TIME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the date on which the middle of the observation in UTC. This keyword has the same format, and is used in conjunction with, the standard DATA-END keyword that gives the ending date of the observation, and the standard DATE-OBS keyword that gives the date of middle of the observation. These three keywords may give the full date and time using the 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss]' format. example(s): - '2016-05-02T12:25:33.045' - 'N/A' 4.13. DATE-END -------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: date of the end of observation in UTC level: any pds3: STOP_TIME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the date on which the observation ended in UTC. This keyword has the same format, and is used in conjunction with, the standard DATA-BEG keyword that gives the starting date of the observation and the standard DATA-OBS keyword that gives the date of middle of the observation. These three keywords may give the full date and time using the 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss]' format. example(s): - '2016-05-02T12:25:34.045' - 'N/A' 4.14. NAXISn ------------ lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: integer comment: length of data axis n level: any pds3: LINE_SAMPLES, LINES unit: (None) definition: The NAXISn keywords must be present for all values n = 1, ..., NAXIS, in increasing order of n, and for no other values of n. The value field of this indexed keyword shall contain a non-negative integer representing the number of elements along axis n of a data array. A value of zero for any of the NAXISn signifies that no data follow the header in the HDU. If NAXIS is equal to 0, there shall not be any NAXISn keywords. example(s): - 1024 4.15. PCOUNT ------------ lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: integer comment: number of parameters per group level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain an integer that shall be used in any way appropriate to define the data structure, consistent with Eq. 2 in the reference. In IMAGE and TABLE extensions this keyword must have the value 0; in BINTABLE extensions it is used to specify the number of bytes that follow the main data table in the supplemental data area called the heap. This keyword is also used in the random groups structure to specify the number of parameters preceding each array in a group. example(s): - 0 4.16. GCOUNT ------------ lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: integer comment: number of groups level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain an integer that shall be used in any way appropriate to define the data structure, consistent with Eq. 2 in the reference. This keyword must have the value 1 in the IMAGE, TABLE and BINTABLE standard extensions. This keyword is also used in the random groups structure to specify the number of random groups present. example(s): - 1 4.17. EXTNAME ------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: extension datatype: string comment: name of this HDU level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string to be used to distinguish among different extensions of the same type, i.e., with the same value of XTENSION, in a FITS file. Within this context, the primary array should be considered as equivalent to an IMAGE extension. example(s): - 'UVI-LEVEL1b' - 'UVI-LEVEL2b' - 'IR1-LEVEL1b' - 'IR1-LEVEL2b' - 'IR2-LEVEL1b' - 'IR2-LEVEL2b' - 'LIR-LEVEL1b' - 'LIR-LEVEL2b' - 'Latitude' - 'Longitude' - 'Local time' - 'Phase angle' - 'Incidence angle' - 'Emission angle' - 'Azimuthal angle' - 'LL Latitude' - 'LL Longitude' - 'LL Local time' - 'LL Phase angle' - 'LL Incidence angle' - 'LL Emission angle' - 'LL Azimuthal angle' 4.18. EXTVER ------------ lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: extension datatype: integer comment: version of EXTNAME level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain an integer which is used to distinguish among different extensions in a FITS file with the same type and name, i.e., the same values for XTENSION and EXTNAME. The values need not start with 1 for the first extension with a particular value of EXTNAME and need not be in sequence for subsequent values. If the EXTVER keyword is absent, the file should be treated as if the value were 1. example(s): - 0 4.19. INSTRUME -------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: name of instrument level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_NAME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string identifying the instrument used to acquire the data. example(s): - 'Ultra Violet Imager' - '1-micron Camera' - '2-micron Camera' - 'Longwave Infrared Camera' 4.20. OBJECT ------------ lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: name of observed object level: any pds3: TARGET_BODY unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string giving a name for the object observed. example(s): - 'VENUS' - 'STAR' - 'EARTH' - 'N/A' 4.21. COMMENT ------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: This keyword may be used to supply any comments regarding the FITS file. example(s): - (Note: this keyword doesn't have value.) 4.22. HISTORY ------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: any datatype: comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: This keyword should be used to describe the history of steps and procedures associated with the processing of the associated data. example(s): - (Note: this keyword doesn't have value.) 4.23. BUNIT ----------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: physical units of the array values level: any pds3: UNIT unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string describing the physical units in which the quantities in the array are expressed. These units must follow the prescriptions of Sect. 4.3 in the reference. example(s): - 'COUNT' - 'W/m2/sr/m' - 'mW/cm2/um/sr' - 'W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1' - 'K' 4.24. DATAMAX ------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: maximum data value level: any pds3: MAXIMUM, MAXIMUM_LATITUDE, MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE, MAXIMUM_LOCAL_TIME, MAXIMUM_PHASE_ANGLE, MAXIMUM_INCIDENCE_ANGLE, MAXIMUM_EMISSION_ANGLE unit: (None) definition: The value field shall always contain a floating-point number, regardless of the value of BITPIX. This number shall give the maximum valid physical value represented by the array (from Eq. 3 in the reference), exclusive of any IEEE754 special values. example(s): - 65535.0 4.25. DATAMIN ------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: minimum data value level: any pds3: MINIMUM, MINIMUM_LATITUDE, MINIMUM_LONGITUDE, MINIMUM_LOCAL_TIME, MINIMUM_PHASE_ANGLE, MINIMUM_INCIDENCE_ANGLE, MINIMUM_EMISSION_ANGLE unit: (None) definition: The value field shall always contain a floating-point number, regardless of the value of BITPIX. This number shall give the minimum valid physical value represented by the array (from Eq. 3 in the reference), exclusive of any IEEE754 special values. example(s): - 0.0 4.26. FILENAME -------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: FITS Standard 4.0 ref_url: hdu: primary datatype: string comment: original filename level: any pds3: FILE_NAME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string giving the the host file name used to record the original data. The value has the format "" where CAM is abbreviated name of camera, i.e., uvi, ir1, ir2, and lir, YYYY is four-digits year, MM is month, DD is day, hh is hour, mm is minute and ss is second. MM, DD, hh, mm, and ss have two-digits and zero-padded values. FILTER is abbreviation of filter name or type of image with 3 characters. FILTER is [283, dif, 365, sht] for uvi, [09d, 09n, 097, 101, dif, drk] for ir1, [174, 226, 232, 202, 165, drk] for ir2, and [pic, opn, sht] for lir. LEVEL is name of product, i.e., l1b, l2b, or geo. VER is the version string of the product with 2 digit that is larger than or equal to 10 for public release. The version string for the public release is equal to the number that is calculated by multiplying version number in the value of DATA_SET_ID for PDS3 label by 10. example(s): - '' - '' 4.27. EXPOSURE -------------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: HEASARC The Recommended Columns and Keywords for a FITS Event List ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: exposure time [s] level: any pds3: EXPOSURE_DURATION unit: s definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number giving the exposure time of the observation in units of seconds. This value is not always equal to the value that is difference with the value of DATE-END and the value of DATE-BEG. For LIR, this value always become 'N/A' because exposure time doesn't have physical meaning. example(s): - 0.046 - 'N/A' 5. VCO Common Keywords ====================== 5.1. FMTTYPE ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: primary datatype: string comment: type of format in FITS file level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string, to be used to ensure a unique identification of the format type. example(s): - 'VCO IMAGE UVI L1b' - 'VCO IMAGE UVI L2b' - 'VCO IMAGE IR1 L1b' - 'VCO IMAGE IR1 L2b' - 'VCO IMAGE IR2 L1b' - 'VCO IMAGE IR2 L2b' - 'VCO IMAGE LIR L1b' - 'VCO IMAGE LIR L2b' - 'VCO IMAGE GEOMETRY' 5.2. FTYPEVER ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: primary datatype: integer comment: version of FMTTYPE definition level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain an integer, to be used to distinguish among different formats with the same format type, i.e., the same value for FMTTYPE. example(s): - 2016083001 5.3. SPCECRFT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: any datatype: string comment: name of spacecraft level: any pds3: SPACECRAFT_ID unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string identifying the spacecraft used to acquire the data. example(s): - 'VCO' 5.4. CNTTYPE ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: primary datatype: string comment: type of data content level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string to be used to identify the content in a format type. example(s): - 'N/A' 5.5. CNTVER ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: primary datatype: integer, string comment: version of data content level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain an integer, to be used to distinguish among different contents with the same content type, i.e., the same value for CNTTYPE. example(s): - 'N/A' 5.6. P_L0NAME ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: any datatype: string comment: filename of raw image in level 0 level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string giving the filename of the raw image data in Level 0 that is the source of this file. example(s): - 'vcouvi000177A95E29_0077.img' 5.7. P_MEAN ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: mean value of the data level: any pds3: MEAN unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives mean value of the data array. example(s): - 4.92 5.8. P_STDDEV ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: standard deviation of the data level: any pds3: STANDARD_DEVIATION unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives standard deviation of the data array. example(s): - 48.63 5.9. FILTER ----------- lastupdate: status: ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: filter name level: any pds3: FILTER_NAME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the name of the filter that was used during the observation to select or modify the radiation that was transmitted to the detector. The value 'none' or 'NONE' indicates that no filter was used. example(s): - '283 nm' - 'diffuser' - 'shutter' - '365 nm' - '0.90 um day' - '0.90 um night' - '0.97 um' - '1.01 um' - 'dark' - '1.735 um' - '2.26 um' - '2.32 um' - '2.02 um' - '1.65 um' - 'none' 5.10. P_ID ---------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: VCO instrument/filter ID level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives NAIF ID of the instrument. example(s): - 'VCO_UVI_283' - 'VCO_UVI_283_TOPOB' - 'VCO_UVI_DIF' - 'VCO_UVI_DIF_TOPOB' - 'VCO_UVI_SHT' - 'VCO_UVI_SHT_TOPOB' - 'VCO_UVI_365' - 'VCO_UVI_365_TOPOB' - 'VCO_IR1_09d' - 'VCO_IR1_09n' - 'VCO_IR2_097' - 'VCO_IR2_101' - 'VCO_IR2_DIF' - 'VCO_IR2_DRK' - 'VCO_IR2_174' - 'VCO_IR2_226' - 'VCO_IR2_232' - 'VCO_IR2_202' - 'VCO_IR2_165' - 'VCO_LIR_OPN' - 'VCO_LIR_PIC' - 'VCO_LIR_SHT' 5.11. P_OBSPRG -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: observation program ID level: any pds3: VCO:OBSERVATION_PROGRAM_ID unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the observation program number in hexadecimal and the version number for the observation program number, separated with '_v'. The observation program number is within the range from 0x00 to 0x1f. Please refer vco_obsprg_v*.pdf about what the value means in detail. example(s): - '0x05_v2' - '0x1f_v1' 5.12. P_OPNAME -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: obs. prg. name level: any pds3: OBSERVATION_NAME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the name of the observation program. The observation program is specified by the value of P_OBSPRG. example(s): - 'dayside deluxe (IR1, IR2, UVI, LIR)' 5.13. P_OPDATE -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: start time of observation program execution level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the date on which the observation program started in UTC. The observation program is specified by the value of P_OBSPRG. This keyword has the same format with DATE, DATE-BEG, DATE-OBS, and DATE-END. This keyword may give the full date and time using the 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss]' format. example(s): - '2015-12-07T05:18:42' 5.14. P_BINN ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: number of pixels for binning: 1 2 4 8 level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives the number of binning of the original image pixels for the array. example(s): - 1 - 2 5.15. P_POSLLX -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: x-pos of lower-left corner pixel of image level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives x-position at the lower-left corner of the image in full-size image coordinate after flipping and rotation. Note that the position in integer means center of the pixel. P_POS[LL,UR][X,Y] must be larger than or equal to 1. example(s): - 1 5.16. P_POSLLY -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: y-pos of lower-left corner pixel of image level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives y-position at the lower-left corner of the image in full-size image coordinate after flipping and rotation. Note that the position in integer means center of the pixel. P_POS[LL,UR][X,Y] must be larger than or equal to 1. example(s): - 1 5.17. P_POSURX -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: x-pos of upper-right corner pixel of image level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives x-position at the upper-right corner of the image in full-size image coordinate after flipping and rotation. Note that the position in integer means center of the pixel. P_POS[LL,UR][X,Y] must be larger than or equal to 1. example(s): - 1 5.18. P_POSURY -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: y-pos of upper-right corner pixel of image level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives y-position at the upper-right corner of the image in full-size image coordinate after flipping and rotation. Note that the position in integer means center of the pixel. P_POS[LL,UR][X,Y] must be larger than or equal to 1. example(s): - 1 5.19. P_FLPROT -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: flip and rotation flag level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives the flag that represents how flip and rotation have been done. The image taken by VCO spacecraft is flipped and then rotated to be spacecraft +Y-axis upward. The value 0 means no flip and no rotation, the value 10 means flip vertically and no rotation and the value 3 means no flip and rotate 270 degree counter-clockwise. example(s): - 0 - 3 - 10 5.20. P_OPOSX1 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: selected image area in detector pixel coord. level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives position at the four corners in detector pixel coordinate for [X,Y]-axis. Note that the position in integer means center of the pixel. P_OPOS[X,Y][1,2,3,4] must be larger than or equal to 1. P_OPOS[X,Y]1 means left-bottom position, P_OPOS[X,Y]2 means right-bottom position, P_OPOS[X,Y]3 means left-top position and P_OPOS[X,Y]4 means right-top position. example(s): - 1 5.21. P_OPOSY1 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: Please refer to definition in P_OPOSX1 keyword. example(s): - 1 5.22. P_OPOSX2 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: Please refer to definition in P_OPOSX1 keyword. example(s): - 1024 5.23. P_OPOSY2 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: Please refer to definition in P_OPOSX1 keyword. example(s): - 1 5.24. P_OPOSX3 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: Please refer to definition in P_OPOSX1 keyword. example(s): - 1 5.25. P_OPOSY3 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: Please refer to definition in P_OPOSX1 keyword. example(s): - 1024 5.26. P_OPOSX4 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: Please refer to definition in P_OPOSX1 keyword. example(s): - 1024 5.27. P_OPOSY4 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: Please refer to definition in P_OPOSX1 keyword. example(s): - 1024 5.28. P_CMPSTY -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: image compression style: RAWDATA/LOSSLESS/LOSSY level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string identifying the type of image compression on the onboard computer of the spacecraft. The value is 'RAWDATA' if no compression is applied, and the value is 'LOSSLESS' if lossless compression algorithm is applied, and the value is 'LOSSY' if lossy compression algorithm is applied. example(s): - 'RAWDATA' - 'LOSSLESS' - 'LOSSY' 5.29. P_CMPTYP -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: image compression type: RAWDATA/HIREW level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string identifying the algorithm of image compression. The value is 'RAWDATA' if no compression algorithm applied, and the value 'HIREW' if the HIREW compression algorithm is applied. See the reference in SIS for the HIREW algorithm. example(s): - 'RAWDATA' - 'HIREW' 5.30. P_CMPPAR -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: image compression parameter level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string of hexadecimal value that gives the value of 'rlevel' if the value of P_CMPTYP is 'HIREW'. A value 2^rlevel is equal to "Initial Subsampling Interval" in Takada, et al. (2007). The value of rlevel should be within the range from 0x00 to 0x08. See the reference in detail. example(s): - '0x04' 5.31. P_IMGERR -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: image processing err log: NORMAL END/err info level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string indicating whether there is no calculation error or what kind of calculation error occurred at the processing of the images on the VCO spacecraft onboard computer. The value 'NORMAL END' means there is no error. The value 'PARAMETER ERR' means that an invalid parameter is specified as the argument of the command. The value of 'BUFFER SIZE ERR' means that an invalid buffer size is specified as the argument of the command. The value 'DR WRITE FAIL/IMAGE SIZE ERR' means failure of the writing image to DR (data recorder) because some area cannot be overridden by the other command or an invalid image size is specified. The value 'DR WRITE FAIL' means failure of the writing image to DR because there is no specified partition as the argument of the command (partition means some specific place in the memory space). The value 'OVERFLOW' means that overflow has occurred during the calculation. The value 'UNDERFLOW' means that underflow has occurred during the calculation. The value 'ZERO DIVISION' means that zero division has occurred during the calculation. The value 'OPERATION INTERRUPTION' means that operation was interrupted by some reason. TBD (Is this definition correct?) example(s): - 'NORMAL END' - 'PARAMETER ERR' - 'BUFFER SIZE ERR' - 'DR WRITE FAIL/IMAGE SIZE ERR' - 'DR WRITE FAIL' - 'OVERFLOW' - 'UNDERFLOW' - 'OVERFLOW/UNDERFLOW' - 'ZERO DIVISION' - 'OPERATION INTERRUPTION' 5.32. P_SCCSC ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: VCO S/C clock start count level: any pds3: SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives VCO spacecraft clock count value in SPICE SCLK format string at the beginning of the observation. example(s): - '1/0559387629' 5.33. P_SCCEC ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: VCO S/C clock end count level: any pds3: SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives VCO spacecraft clock count value in SPICE SCLK format string at the end of the observation. example(s): - '1/0559387680' 5.34. P_DPIXV ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, integer comment: dead pixel flag value in data array level: any pds3: UNKNOWN_CONSTANT unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number or an integer that gives dead pixel flag value in data array. example(s): - 0 - -32768 5.35. P_DPIXN ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: number of dead pixels in data array level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives number of the dead pixel flag values in data array. example(s): - 4 5.36. P_SPIXV ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, integer, string comment: saturated pixel flag value in data array level: any pds3: INVALID_CONSTANT unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number or an integer that gives saturated pixel flag value in data array. example(s): - 32767 - 'N/A' 5.37. P_SPIXO ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, integer, string comment: saturated pixel offset value in data array level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number or an integer that gives offset value for saturated pixels in data array. Subtracting this value may revert the process. example(s): - 100.0 - 'N/A' 5.38. P_SPIXN ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: number of saturated pixels in data array level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives number of the saturated pixel flag values in data array. example(s): - 20 5.39. P_MPIXV ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, integer comment: pixel flag value for missing data in data array level: any pds3: MISSING_CONSTANT unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number or an integer that gives pixel flag value for missing data in data array. example(s): - 0 - -32767 5.40. P_MPIXN ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: number of pixels with missing value level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives number of pixels with missing value in data array. example(s): - 16384 5.41. P_FLTCW ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: center wavelength for the value of FILTER [um] level: any pds3: CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH unit: micrometer definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives the center of filter passband in micrometers for the value of FILTER. example(s): - 2.26 5.42. P_FLTBW ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: bandwidth for the value of FILTER [um] level: any pds3: BANDWIDTH unit: micrometer definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives the bandwidth in micrometers for the value of FILTER. example(s): - 0.058 5.43. P_FLTAT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: average transmission for the value of FILTER level: any pds3: VCO:FILTER_MEAN_TRANSMISSION unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives average transmission for the value of FILTER. example(s): - 0.6 5.44. P_NSALV ------------- lastupdate: 2018-06-12 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: number of salvaged areas level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives the number of salvaged areas. The salvaged area is created by decompression of corrupted tile data. Even if the tile data is corrupted, some of the pixels have uncorrupted value due to the characteristics of the data compression algorithm, HIREW. By diagnostic message of the decompression command or by human inspection, some pixel values in the uncompressed corrupted tile data are identified as wrong values and are filled with the missing value, and some of the pixels are left as is. This keyword and P_SALVn keywords indicate all of the salvaged areas included in the image data and warn users that these areas may contain wrong values. example(s): - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 5.45. P_SALVn ------------- lastupdate: 2018-06-12 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: salvaged area that may contain wrong values level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the x- and y-ranges of the salvaged areas. The format of the string is '[x0,x1]x[y0,y1]' where x0, x1, y0, and y1 are positive integers. These four integers indicate the ranges of the salvaged area along x- and y-axis in the sub-image coordinate. The salvaged area ranges within [x0,x1] in x-axis and [y0,y1] in y-axis in the image coordinate. This area corresponds to one corrupted, salvaged tile data and the ranges of the area are recorded in each P_SALVn keyword. The total number of salvaged areas N is recorded in P_NSALV keyword. The ``n'' in the keyword is a non-negative integer that ranges from 0 to N-1. For the details of the salvaged area, see description of P_NSALV keyword. example(s): - '[1,128]x[257,384]' - '[897,1024]x[641,768]' 5.46. P_STGUES -------------- lastupdate: 2019-11-12 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: inst's status are acquired normally or guessed level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives whether instrument-specific ancillary data for image in level 0 is guessed or not. This ancillary data include temperatures of detector, shutter, etc., that are used to process image after level 1. If value of this keyword is 'NORMAL', ancillary data is normally downlinked and used, and if value is 'GUESSED', ancillary data is not downlinked and guessed ancillary data is used. example(s): - 'NORMAL' - 'GUESSED' 5.47. P_DVER ------------ lastupdate: 2019-11-12 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version of common keyword dictionary for VCO level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the version string of common FITS header keyword dictionary of VCO data. example(s): - '2016-08-30' - '2018-06-12' - '2019-11-12' 5.48. S_ORBITN -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: VCO orbit number level: any pds3: ORBIT_NUMBER unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives the orbit number when the image was acquired by the spacecraft. The value 0 means the cruise phase. example(s): - 0 - 21 5.49. S_PERTIM -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: time of periapsis passage level: any pds3: PERIAPSIS_TIME unit: date definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives the time at the periapsis passage for the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN. The format of the string is same as DATE keyword. example(s): - '2016-04-15T03:12:12.000' - 'N/A' 5.50. S_PERLON -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: sub S/C longitude at periapsis passage [deg] level: any pds3: PERIAPSIS_LONGITUDE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives sub spacecraft longitude at the periapsis passage for the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN in degrees. example(s): - 308.41 - 'N/A' 5.51. S_PERLAT -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: sub S/C latitude at periapsis passage [deg] level: any pds3: PERIAPSIS_LATITUDE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives sub spacecraft latitude at the periapsis passage for the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN in degrees. example(s): - 80.74 - 'N/A' 5.52. S_PERALT -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: sub S/C altitude at periapsis passage [km] level: any pds3: PERIAPSIS_ALTITUDE unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives sub spacecraft altitude at the periapsis passage for the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN in kilometers. example(s): - 260.18 - 'N/A' 5.53. S_INCANG -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: inclination angle of the orbit [deg] level: any pds3: ORBITAL_INCLINATION unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the inclination angle of the orbit of VCO spacecraft in kilometers. This value is at the periapsis time of the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN. example(s): - 89.98 - 'N/A' 5.54. S_ECCENT -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: eccentricity of the orbit level: any pds3: VCO:ORBITAL_ECCENTRICITY unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives the eccentricity of the orbit of VCO spacecraft. This value is at the periapsis time of the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN. example(s): - 0.84 - 'N/A' 5.55. S_LONNOD -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: orbit plane longitude of ascending node [deg] level: any pds3: ASCENDING_NODE_LONGITUDE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the longitude of the ascending node of the orbital plane of VCO spacecraft in degrees. This value is at the periapsis time of the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN. example(s): - 107.05 - 'N/A' 5.56. S_ARGPER -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: orbit plane argument of periapsis [deg] level: any pds3: PERIAPSIS_ARGUMENT_ANGLE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the argument of periapsis of the orbital plane of VCO spacecraft in degrees. This value is at the periapsis time of the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN. example(s): - 99.26 - 'N/A' 5.57. S_SEMIAX -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: semi-major axis of the orbit [km] level: any pds3: ORBITAL_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives the semi-major axis of the orbit of VCO spacecraft in kilometers. This value is at the time of the periapsis passage for the orbit number with the value of S_ORBITN. example(s): - 39445.4 - 'N/A' 5.58. S_DISTAV -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: distance between VCO and Venus [km] level: any pds3: CENTRAL_BODY_DISTANCE unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives the distance between center of the VCO spacecraft and center of the Venus in kilometers. example(s): - 72564.0733386696 5.59. S_DISTVS -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: distance between Venus and Sun [km] level: any pds3: TARGET_HELIOCENTRIC_DISTANCE unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives the distance between center of the Venus and center of the Sun in kilometers. example(s): - '1.07577D+08' 5.60. S_APPDIA -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: apparent diameter of Venus [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives apparent diameter of Venus in degrees. The formula to calculate value of S_APPDIA is: S_APPDIA = 2*asin((d+a)/r)*180/PI where d is the diameter of the Venus in kilometer, a is an assumed cloud altitude in kilometer that is stored in the S_CLDALT keyword, and r is distance between the spacecraft position and center of Venus that is stored in the S_DISTAV keyword. example(s): - 27.1528 5.61. S_IFOV ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: instantaneous field of view [rad] level: any pds3: HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV, VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV unit: rad definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives instantaneous field of view in radians for each pixel. This value is brought from SPICE Instrument Kernel (IK). In SPICE IK, there are INS\#_IFOV keywords where \# means NAIF ID code for an instrument. The value of S_IFOV comes from the value of INS\#_IFOV as is. example(s): - 0.000692601 5.62. S_NPVAZM -------------- lastupdate: 2018-10-15 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: azimuth of north pole vector [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the azimuth of north pole vector in degrees. This value of angle is measured clockwise from horizontal line that originates from center of Venus to left. This value should be within [-180, 180]. example(s): - -27.3586058819945 5.63. S_SOLLAT -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: sub solar latitude [deg] level: any pds3: SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the sub solar latitude in degrees. This value is calculated with light time correction and stellar aberration correction. example(s): - 2.52742242650886 5.64. S_SOLLON -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: sub solar longitude [deg] level: any pds3: SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number which gives the sub solar longitude in degrees. This value is calculated with light time correction and stellar aberration correction. example(s): - 149.366791650151 5.65. S_TGRADI -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: target radius at sub S/C point [km] level: any pds3: VCO:SPHERICAL_RADIUS unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives the radius of the target planet at the sub spacecraft point in kilometers. example(s): - 6051.8 5.66. S_SSCLAT -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: VCO sub S/C latitude [deg] level: any pds3: SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the sub spacecraft latitude in degrees. example(s): - -80.2726906927473 5.67. S_SSCLON -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: VCO sub S/C longitude [deg] level: any pds3: SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the sub spacecraft longitude in degrees. example(s): - 127.691117787366 5.68. S_SSCLT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: VCO sub S/C local Time [h] level: any pds3: LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE unit: hour definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the sub spacecraft local time in hours. example(s): - 13.4450449241856 5.69. S_SSCPX ------------- lastupdate: 2017-10-11 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: sub S/C X position of image array [pix] level: any pds3: SUB_SPACECRAFT_LINE_SAMPLE unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives the sub spacecraft X-position of image array in image coordinate, that is not always same as full-size image coordinate but the image area is sub region of the full-size image. example(s): - 536.692410685141 5.70. S_SSCPY ------------- lastupdate: 2017-10-11 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: sub S/C Y position on image array [pix] level: any pds3: SUB_SPACECRAFT_LINE unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives the sub spacecraft Y-position of image array in image coordinate, that is not always same as full-size image coordinate but the image area is sub region of the full-size image. example(s): - 553.829841544988 5.71. S_CLDALT -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: assumed cloud altitude [km] level: any pds3: VCO:ASSUMED_CLOUD_ALTITUDE unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a positive floating-point number that gives assumed cloud altitude of the image. This value depends on cameras and filters. example(s): - 65.0 - 70.0 - 'N/A' 5.72. S_SCPJ2X -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: S/C X position from the Sun in J2000 [km] level: any pds3: VCO:SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives spacecraft x-position in kilometers from the Sun in J2000 coordinates. This value is calculated without light time correction or stellar aberration. example(s): - '-2.09494D+07' 5.73. S_SCPJ2Y -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: S/C Y position from the Sun in J2000 [km] level: any pds3: VCO:SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives spacecraft y-position in kilometers from the Sun in J2000 coordinates. This value is calculated without light time correction or stellar aberration. example(s): - '1.06028D+08' 5.74. S_SCPJ2Z -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: S/C Z position from the Sun in J2000 [km] level: any pds3: VCO:SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR unit: km definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives spacecraft z-position in kilometers from the Sun in J2000 coordinates. This value is calculated without light time correction or stellar aberration. example(s): - '2.66956D+06' 5.75. S_RA ---------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: RA of image center (J2000) [deg] level: any pds3: RIGHT_ASCENSION unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives right ascension of the center of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 17.8482 5.76. S_DEC ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: DEC of image center (J2000) [deg] level: any pds3: DECLINATION unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives declination of the center of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 18.1983 5.77. S_RA1 ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: RA of bottom-left corner of image [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives right ascension of the bottom-left corner of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 24.3677 5.78. S_DEC1 ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: DEC of bottom-left corner of image [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives declination of the bottom-left corner of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 18.1983 5.79. S_RA2 ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: RA of bottom-right corner of image [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives right ascension of the bottom-right corner of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 11.8331 5.80. S_DEC2 ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: DEC of bottom-right corner of image [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives declination of the bottom-right corner of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 17.7543 5.81. S_RA3 ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: RA of top-left corner of image [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives right ascension of the top-left corner of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 24.4734 5.82. S_DEC3 ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: DEC of top-left corner of image [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives declination of the top-left corner of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 30.1261 5.83. S_RA4 ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: RA of top-right corner of image [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives right ascension of the top-right corner of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 10.7193 5.84. S_DEC4 ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: DEC of top-right corner of image [deg] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives declination of the top-right corner of the image in degrees, in J2000 frame. example(s): - 29.6396 5.85. S_SDIRX ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: X of unit vector of Sun direction in S/C frame level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives X-component of the unit vector of the Sun direction from spacecraft in spacecraft frame. This value is calculated with light time correction and stellar aberration correction. example(s): - 0.7 5.86. S_SDIRY ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: Y of unit vector of Sun direction in S/C frame level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives Y-component of the unit vector of the Sun direction from spacecraft in spacecraft frame. This value is calculated with light time correction and stellar aberration correction. example(s): - 0.5 5.87. S_SDIRZ ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: Z of unit vector of Sun direction in S/C frame level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives Z-component of the unit vector of the Sun direction from spacecraft in spacecraft frame. This value is calculated with light time correction and stellar aberration correction. example(s): - 0.1 5.88. S_Q0SPC ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: scalar part of the quaternion of S/C attitude level: any pds3: QUATERNION unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives scalar part of the quaternion of spacecraft attitude in J2000 coordinate system. example(s): - 0.2541027 5.89. S_Q1SPC ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: 1st element of vector part of the quaternion level: any pds3: QUATERNION unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives 1st element of vector part of the quaternion of spacecraft attitude in J2000 coordinate system. example(s): - 0.1572342 5.90. S_Q2SPC ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: 2nd element of vector part of the quaternion level: any pds3: QUATERNION unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives 2nd element of vector part of the quaternion of spacecraft attitude in J2000 coordinate system. example(s): - 0.2317543 5.91. S_Q3SPC ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: 3rd element of vector part of the quaternion level: any pds3: QUATERNION unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives 3rd element of vector part of the quaternion of spacecraft attitude in J2000 coordinate system. example(s): - -0.8186434 5.92. S_SSCPHA -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: VCO sub S/C phase angle [deg] level: any pds3: VCO:SUB_SC_PHASE_ANGLE unit: deg definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives phase angle at sub spacecraft point. example(s): - 85.2845 - 'N/A' 6. VCO UVI-specific Keywords ============================ 6.1. UV_OBAR ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: UVI CCD area: NORMAL/TOP_OB/LEFT_OB/RIGHT_OB level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives type of UVI CCD area. The value 'NORMAL' means that the imaging mode is normal, i.e., 1024x1024 photosensitive area are stored in DR (data recorder) then image is cropped if ROI (region of interest) function is used. The values 'TOP_OB', 'LEFT_OB', and 'RIGHT_OB' mean that the imaging mode that enable us to get OB (optical black) area by shifting the target area of image keeping size of image same. The OB areas are used to get dark noise or smear counts. The value 'TOP_OB' means that the stored image region is shifted to top-side direction, the value 'LEFT_OB' means that the stored image region is shifted to left-side direction, and the value 'RIGHT_OB' means that the stored image region is shifted to right-side direction. Please see the 'Detector Layout' section of SPICE IK (instrument kernel) for UVI in further detail. example(s): - 'NORMAL' - 'TOP_OB' - 'LEFT_OB' - 'RIGHT_OB' 6.2. UV_CCDT ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: UVI CCD temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, UVI CCD unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the temperature of the UVI CCD in degrees Celsius. example(s): - -41.58 6.3. UV_FILT ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: UVI filter temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, UVI filter unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the temperature of the UVI filter in degrees Celsius. example(s): - -13.99 6.4. UV_05V ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: UVI PS 5V monitor [V] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the voltage of 5 V PS (power supply) monitor in volts for the UVI electric device. example(s): - 4.93 6.5. UV_15V ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: UVI PS 15V monitor [V] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the voltage of 15 V PS (power supply) monitor in volts for the UVI electric device. example(s): - 14.69 6.6. UV_30V ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: UVI PS 30V monitor [V] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the voltage of 30 V PS (power supply) monitor in volts for the UVI electric device. example(s): - 29.47 6.7. UV_FLAT ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: filename of flat-field image level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filename of the flat-field image that is used to calibrate. example(s): - '' - '' - '' - '' 6.8. UV_C2F ----------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: method for converting pixel counts to flux level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the method for converting pixel counts to flux. example(s): - 'Flux [W/m2/sr/m] = (Counts * K1 + K0) / Exposure' 6.9. UV_C2FK1 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: K1 in the value of UV_C2F level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value K1 in the value of UV_C2F. example(s): - 9227.22 6.10. UV_C2FK0 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: K0 in the value of UV_C2F level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value K0 in the value of UV_C2F. example(s): - 0.0 6.11. UV_C2E ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: number of electrons per count level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives number of electrons per count for the detector. example(s): - 29.3 6.12. UV_FSNR ------------- lastupdate: status: proposed ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: S/N ratio of the flat used to calibrate level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives signal to noise ratio of the flat used to calibrate image. example(s): - 0.4904414 6.13. UV_FPFLG -------------- lastupdate: 2019-08-19 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: filter wheel position flag level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filter wheel position flag. The value 'MIGHT BE GOOD' means that filter wheel position might be good and the image might not be affected by the wrong filter wheel position. The value 'MIGHT BE WRONG' means that filter wheel position might be wrong and the image might be affected by the wrong filter wheel position. example(s): - 'MIGHT BE GOOD' - 'MIGHT BE WRONG' 6.14. UV_DVER ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version of keyword dictionary for UVI level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the version string of FITS header keyword dictionary of VCO data for UVI camera. example(s): - '2016-08-24' 7. VCO IR1-specific Keywords ============================ 7.1. I1_TCON ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 TEC status: OFF/ON level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 TEC (thermoelectric cooler) power status. example(s): - 'ON' - 'OFF' 7.2. I1_TCMOD ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 TEC heater status: COOL/HEAT level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 TEC (thermoelectric cooler) heater status. example(s): - 'COOL' - 'HEAT' 7.3. I1_CLENA ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 CAL lamp permission: DISABLE/ENABLE level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 calibration lamp permission. If the value is ENABLE and a special clock pattern is used, the internal lamp turns on for health check purpose. example(s): - 'ENABLE' - 'DISABLE' 7.4. I1_CLON ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 CAL lamp status: OFF/ON level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 calibration lamp power status. example(s): - 'ON' - 'OFF' 7.5. I1_CLBRT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 CAL lamp brightness: DARK/BRIGHT level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 calibration lamp brightness. example(s): - 'DARK' - 'BRIGHT' 7.6. I1_LEDON ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 LED status: OFF/ON level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 LED status. There are two LED-PD pairs to verify the filter-wheel position. The LEDs turn on only when the filter-wheel rotates. Therefore, this should usually be OFF in all images. example(s): - 'ON' - 'OFF' 7.7. I1_P1ACK ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 photodiode1 status: ACK/NO ACK level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 photodiode no. 1 status. To verify the filter-wheel position, there are two LED-PD pairs for redundancy. LED light will be detected (ACKnowledged) by PD thorough a hole of wheel if a filter is in position. The value "NO ACK" indicates mis-positioned filter wheel but may usually be just a few motor pulses offset which can not be noticed from an image. Note the status remains after LEDs are turned off. example(s): - 'ACK' - 'NO ACK' 7.8. I1_P2ACK ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 photodiode2 status: ACK/NO ACK level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 photodiode no. 2 status. To verify the filter-wheel position, there are two LED-PD pairs for redundancy. LED light will be detected (ACKnowledged) by PD thorough a hole of wheel if a filter is in position. The value "NO ACK" indicates mis-positioned filter wheel but may usually be just a few motor pulses offset which can not be noticed from an image. Note the status remains after LEDs are turned off. example(s): - 'ACK' - 'NO ACK' 7.9. I1_FWROT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 filter wheel status: STOP/ROTATION level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR1 filter wheel status. This should usually be STOP in all images. example(s): - 'STOP' - 'ROTATION' 7.10. I1_IMGNM -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: number of processed images level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives numer of processed images to generate the data array of the image. example(s): - 1 7.11. I1_T_C1 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: IR1 CCD temperature (230-270) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR1 CCD unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR1 CCD temperature (230-270) in Kelvin. The value of I1_T_C1 is valid when it is below 270 [K], and the value of I1_T_C2 is effective when it is above 270 [K]. example(s): - 272.08 - 'N/A' 7.12. I1_T_C2 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: IR1 CCD temperature (270-350) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR1 CCD unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR1 CCD temperature (230-270) in Kelvin. The value of I1_T_C1 is valid when it is below 270 [K], and the value of I1_T_C2 is effective when it is above 270 [K]. example(s): - 353.5 - 'N/A' 7.13. I1_T_OP ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR1 optics temperature (250-320) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR1 optics unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR1 optics temperature (250-320) in Kelvin. example(s): - 247.44 7.14. I1_T_HD ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR1 hood temperature (250-320) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR1 hood unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR1 hood temperature (250-320) in Kelvin. example(s): - 239.62 7.15. I1_TECT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR1 TEC temperature (230-350) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR1 thermoelectric cooler unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR1 TEC (thermoelectric cooler) temperature (230-350) in Kelvin. example(s): - 244.16 7.16. I1_TCSET -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR1 TEC set value [A] level: any pds3: VCO:IR1_TEC_SET_VALUE unit: A definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the set value for IR1 TEC (thermoelectric cooler) in amperes. example(s): - 10.0 7.17. I1_CLKn ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR1 CLKn DAC value level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string of hexadecimal value that gives IR1 clock no. n DAC (digital to analog converter) value, where n is 01, 02, ..., 15. These values represents various voltage setups. example(s): - '0x00' 7.18. I1_FLAT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: filename of flat-field image level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filename of the flat-field image that is used to calibrate. example(s): - '' 7.19. I1_C2F ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: method for converting pixel counts to flux level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the method for converting pixel counts to flux. example(s): - 'Flux [mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1] = ( Counts * K1 + K0 ) / Exposure' 7.20. I1_C2FK1 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: K1 for level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value K1 in the value of I1_C2F. example(s): - 0.0 7.21. I1_C2FK0 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: K0 for level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value K0 in the value of I1_C2F. example(s): - 0.0 7.22. I1_QC_X0 -------------- lastupdate: 2018-08-17 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: inter-quad corr. b/w quad(0,0) and quad(1,0) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives whether inter-quadrant sensitivity correction factor was used for inter-quadrant sensitivity corrections calculated by comparing the pixel values in the lower-right quadrant (named quad(1,0)) with the pixel values in the lower-left quadrant (named quad(0,0)). If the value is 'APPLIED', the ratio of quad(0,0) to quad(1,0) is used for sensitivity correction. Note that there can be calculated four sensitivity correction factors, but only three sensitivity correction factors are needed to the sensitivity correction. There are four sensitivity correction factor use status flag keywords, I1_QC_X0, I1_QC_X1, I1_QC_0X, and I1_QC_1X. At least one value of these keywords should be 'NOT APPLIED'. The sensitivity correction factor for the pixels in each quadrant will be stored in the value of I1_QCF00, I1_QCF10, I1_QCF01, and I1_QCF11 keywords. example(s): - 'APPLIED' - 'NOT APPLIED' 7.23. I1_QC_X1 -------------- lastupdate: 2018-08-17 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: inter-quad corr. b/w quad(0,1) and quad(1,1) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives whether inter-quadrant sensitivity correction factor was used for inter-quadrant sensitivity corrections calculated by comparing the pixel values in the upper-right quadrant (named quad(1,1)) with the pixel values in the upper-left quadrant (named quad(0,1)). If the value is 'APPLIED', the ratio of quad(0,1) to quad(1,1) is used for sensitivity correction. Note that there can be calculated four sensitivity correction factors, but only three sensitivity correction factors are needed to the sensitivity correction. There are four sensitivity correction factor use status flag keywords, I1_QC_X0, I1_QC_X1, I1_QC_0X, and I1_QC_1X. At least one value of these keywords should be 'NOT APPLIED'. The sensitivity correction factor for the pixels in each quadrant will be stored in the value of I1_QCF00, I1_QCF10, I1_QCF01, and I1_QCF11 keywords. example(s): - 'APPLIED' - 'NOT APPLIED' 7.24. I1_QC_0X -------------- lastupdate: 2018-08-17 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: inter-quad corr. b/w quad(0,0) and quad(0,1) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives whether inter-quadrant sensitivity correction factor was used for inter-quadrant sensitivity corrections calculated by comparing the pixel values in the upper-left quadrant (named quad(0,1)) with the pixel values in the lower-left quadrant (named quad(0,0)). If the value is 'APPLIED', the ratio of quad(0,0) to quad(0,1) is used for sensitivity correction. Note that there can be calculated four sensitivity correction factors, but only three sensitivity correction factors are needed to the sensitivity correction. There are four sensitivity correction factor use status flag keywords, I1_QC_X0, I1_QC_X1, I1_QC_0X, and I1_QC_1X. At least one value of these keywords should be 'NOT APPLIED'. The sensitivity correction factor for the pixels in each quadrant will be stored in the value of I1_QCF00, I1_QCF10, I1_QCF01, and I1_QCF11 keywords. example(s): - 'APPLIED' - 'NOT APPLIED' 7.25. I1_QC_1X -------------- lastupdate: 2018-08-17 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: inter-quad corr. b/w quad(1,0) and quad(1,1) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives whether inter-quadrant sensitivity correction factor was used for inter-quadrant sensitivity corrections calculated by comparing the pixel values in the lower-right quadrant (named quad(1,0)) with the pixel values in the upper-right quadrant (named quad(1,1)). If the value is 'APPLIED', the ratio of quad(1,1) to quad(1,0) is used for sensitivity correction. Note that there can be calculated four sensitivity correction factors, but only three sensitivity correction factors are needed to the sensitivity correction. There are four sensitivity correction factor use status flag keywords, I1_QC_X0, I1_QC_X1, I1_QC_0X, and I1_QC_1X. At least one value of these keywords should be 'NOT APPLIED'. The sensitivity correction factor for the pixels in each quadrant will be stored in the value of I1_QCF00, I1_QCF10, I1_QCF01, and I1_QCF11 keywords. example(s): - 'APPLIED' - 'NOT APPLIED' 7.26. I1_SCVER -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version for smear correction factor level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the version string of smear correction. This version string is for the value of the keywords I1_SCF00, I1_SCF10, I1_SCF01, and I1_SCF11. example(s): - 'v0.1 (2016-10-25)' 7.27. I1_SCF00 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: smear correction factor for lower-left quad. level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value for the smear correction factor for lower-left quadrant. example(s): - 1.0 7.28. I1_SCF10 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: smear correction factor for lower-right quad. level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value for the smear correction factor for lower-right quadrant. example(s): - 1.0 7.29. I1_SCF01 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: smear correction factor for upper-left quad. level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value for the smear correction factor for upper-left quadrant. example(s): - 1.0 7.30. I1_SCF11 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: smear correction factor for upper-right quad. level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value for the smear correction factor for upper-right quadrant. example(s): - 1.0 7.31. I1_QCF00 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: inter-quad. corr. factor for lower-left quad. level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value for inter-quadrant correction factor for lower-left quadrant. This value is calculated for each image. example(s): - 1.0 7.32. I1_QCF10 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: inter-quad. corr. factor for lower-right quad. level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value for inter-quadrant correction factor for lower-right quadrant. This value is calculated for each image. example(s): - 1.0 7.33. I1_QCF01 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: inter-quad. corr. factor for upper-left quad. level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value for inter-quadrant correction factor for upper-left quadrant. This value is calculated for each image. example(s): - 1.0 7.34. I1_QCF11 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: inter-quad. corr. factor for upper-right quad. level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value for inter-quadrant correction factor for upper-right quadrant. This value is calculated for each image. example(s): - 1.0 7.35. I1_PTTRN -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version string for IR clock-pattern program level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives version string for IR clock-pattern program. The program is a compilation of clock patterns each of which drives the CCD with various exposure time, cal-lamp setting, etc. example(s): - '2010.11.29' 7.36. I1_C2E ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: number of electrons per count level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives number of electrons per count for the detector. example(s): - 70.0 7.37. I1_CMAX ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: maximum valid count of data level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall always contain an integer that represents the maximum valid count represented by the array. example(s): - 10000 7.38. I1_FSNR ------------- lastupdate: status: proposed ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: S/N ratio of the flat used to calibrate level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives signal to noise ratio of the flat used to calibrate image. example(s): - 0.0 7.39. I1_DVER ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version of keyword dictionary for IR1 level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the version string of FITS header keyword dictionary of VCO data for IR1 camera. example(s): - '2016-08-24' 8. VCO IR2-specific Keywords ============================ 8.1. I2_HTON ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 heater status: OFF/ON level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 on-chip (replacement) heater power status. example(s): - 'ON' - 'OFF' 8.2. I2_HTENA ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 heater permission: DISABLE/ENABLE level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 on-chip heater permission. If the value is ENABLE, the on-chip heater will maintain the detector temperature during long exposures. example(s): - 'DISABLE' - 'ENABLE' 8.3. I2_CLENA ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 CAL lamp permission: DISABLE/ENABLE level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 calibration lamp permission. If the value is ENABLE and a special clock pattern is used, the internal lamp turns on for health check purpose. example(s): - 'DISABLE' - 'ENABLE' 8.4. I2_CLON ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 CAL lamp status: OFF/ON level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 calibration lamp power status. example(s): - 'OFF' - 'ON' 8.5. I2_CLBRT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 CAL lamp brightness: DARK/BRIGHT level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 calibration lamp brightness. example(s): - 'DARK' - 'BRIGHT' 8.6. I2_GAIN ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 amplifier gain: LOW/HIGH level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the status of IR2 amplifier gain. HIGH is 10 times the LOW gain. example(s): - 'LOW' - 'HIGH' 8.7. I2_LEDON ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 LED status: OFF/ON level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 LED status. There are two LED-PD pairs to verify the filter-wheel position. The LEDs turn on only when the filter-wheel rotates. Therefore, this should usually be OFF in all images. example(s): - 'OFF' - 'ON' 8.8. I2_P1ACK ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 photodiode1 status: ACK/NO ACK level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 photodiode no. 1 status. To verify the filter-wheel position, there are two LED-PD pairs for redundancy. LED light will be detected (ACKnowledged) by PD thorough a hole of wheel if a filter is in position. The value "NO ACK" indicates mis-positioned filter wheel but may usually be just a few motor pulses offset which can not be noticed from an image. Note the status remains after LEDs are turned off. example(s): - 'ACK' - 'NO ACK' 8.9. I2_P2ACK ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 photodiode2 status: ACK/NO ACK level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 photodiode no. 2 status. To verify the filter-wheel position, there are two LED-PD pairs for redundancy. LED light will be detected (ACKnowledged) by PD thorough a hole of wheel if a filter is in position. The value "NO ACK" indicates mis-positioned filter wheel but may usually be just a few motor pulses offset which can not be noticed from an image. Note the status remains after LEDs are turned off. example(s): - 'ACK' - 'NO ACK' 8.10. I2_FWROT -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 filter wheel status: STOP/ROTATION level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives IR2 filter wheel status. This should usually be STOP in all images. example(s): - 'STOP' - 'ROTATION' 8.11. I2_IMGNM -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: number of processed images level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives number of processed images to generate the data array of the image. example(s): - 1 8.12. I2_T_C1 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR2 CCD temperature (50-70) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR2 CCD unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR2 CCD temperature (50-70) in Kelvin. The value of I2_T_C1 is valid when it is below 70 [K], and the value of I2_T_C2 is effective when it is above 70 [K]. example(s): - 70.68 8.13. I2_T_C2 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR2 CCD temperature (70-350) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR2 CCD unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR2 CCD temperature (70-350) in Kelvin. The value of I2_T_C1 is valid when it is below 70 [K], and the value of I2_T_C2 is effective when it is above 70 [K]. example(s): - 270.97 8.14. I2_T_OP ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR2 optics temperature (150-320) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR2 optics unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR2 optics temperature (150-320) in Kelvin. example(s): - 281.61 8.15. I2_T_CH ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 cold head temperature (200-320) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR2 cold head unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR2 cold head temperature (200-320) in Kelvin. example(s): - 208.72 8.16. I2_T_CM ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR2 compressor temperature (200-320) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR2 compressor unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR2 compressor temperature (200-320) in Kelvin. example(s): - 208.15 8.17. I2_T_HD ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR2 hood temperature (200-350) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR2 hood unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR2 hood temperature (200-350) in Kelvin. example(s): - 207.8 8.18. I2_T_P1 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: IR2 cold tip temperature (45-70) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR2 cold tip unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR2 cold tip temperature (45-70) in Kelvin. The value of I2_T_P1 is valid when it is below 70 [K], and the value of I2_T_P2 is effective when it is above 70 [K]. example(s): - 72.14 8.19. I2_T_P2 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 cold tip temperature (70-350) [K] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, IR2 cold tip unit: K definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives IR2 cold tip temperature (70-350) in Kelvin. The value of I2_T_P1 is valid when it is below 70 [K], and the value of I2_T_P2 is effective when it is above 70 [K]. example(s): - 273.49 8.20. I2_T_C1B -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: original bytes for I2_T_C1 level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives byte string, in the format 'xx:aabbcc...', used to calculate the value of I2_T_C1. There are I2_IMGNM 2-digit hexadecimal numbers (aa, bb, cc, ..., etc.) while xx is their representative value. The value xx is converted to I2_T_C1. example(s): - 'E4:DFE4E4E3E4E4E3E4E4' 8.21. I2_T_C2B -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: original bytes for I2_T_C2 level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives byte string, in the format 'xx:aabbcc...', used to calculate the value of I2_T_C2. There are I2_IMGNM 2-digit hexadecimal numbers (aa, bb, cc, ..., etc.) while xx is their representative value. The value xx is converted to I2_T_C2. example(s): - '0D:0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D' 8.22. I2_T_OPB -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: original bytes for I2_T_OP level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives byte string, in the format 'xx:aabbcc...', used to calculate the value of I2_T_OP. There are I2_IMGNM 2-digit hexadecimal numbers (aa, bb, cc, ..., etc.) while xx is their representative value. The value xx is converted to I2_T_OP. example(s): - '32:323232323232323232' 8.23. I2_T_CHB -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: original bytes for I2_T_CH level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives byte string, in the format 'xx:aabbcc...', used to calculate the value of I2_T_CH. There are I2_IMGNM 2-digit hexadecimal numbers (aa, bb, cc, ..., etc.) while xx is their representative value. The value xx is converted to I2_T_CH. example(s): - 'A0:A0A0A09F9F9F9F9F9F' 8.24. I2_T_CMB -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: original bytes for I2_T_CMB level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives byte string, in the format 'xx:aabbcc...', used to calculate the value of I2_T_CM. There are I2_IMGNM 2-digit hexadecimal numbers (aa, bb, cc, ..., etc.) while xx is their representative value. The value xx is converted to I2_T_CM. example(s): - '99:999999999898989898' 8.25. I2_T_HDB -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: original bytes for I2_T_HD level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives byte string, in the format 'xx:aabbcc...', used to calculate the value of I2_T_HD. There are I2_IMGNM 2-digit hexadecimal numbers (aa, bb, cc, ..., etc.) while xx is their representative value. The value xx is converted to I2_T_HD. example(s): - '5A:5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A' 8.26. I2_T_P1B -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: original bytes for I2_T_P1 level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives byte string, in the format 'xx:aabbcc...', used to calculate the value of I2_T_P1. There are I2_IMGNM 2-digit hexadecimal numbers (aa, bb, cc, ..., etc.) while xx is their representative value. The value xx is converted to I2_T_P1. example(s): - 'AD:ADADADADADACACACAC' 8.27. I2_T_P2B -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: original bytes for I2_T_P2 level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives byte string, in the format 'xx:aabbcc...', used to calculate the value of I2_T_P2. There are I2_IMGNM 2-digit hexadecimal numbers (aa, bb, cc, ..., etc.) while xx is their representative value. The value xx is converted to I2_T_P2. example(s): - '06:060606060606060606' 8.28. I2_T_C1R -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: resolution per a digit for I2_T_C1 [K] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives resolution (in Kelvin) per digit for the value of I2_T_C1. Combined with the byte string in I2_T_C1B, the temperature stability in an imaging session will be evaluated. example(s): - 0.08658 8.29. I2_T_C2R -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: resolution per a digit for I2_T_C2 [K] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives resolution (in Kelvin) per digit for the value of I2_T_C2. Combined with the byte string in I2_T_C2B, the temperature stability in an imaging session will be evaluated. example(s): - 1.2963 8.30. I2_T_OPR -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: resolution per a digit for I2_T_OP [K] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives resolution (in Kelvin) per digit for the value of I2_T_OP. Combined with the byte string in I2_T_OPB, the temperature stability in an imaging session will be evaluated. example(s): - 0.75221 8.31. I2_T_CHR -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: resolution per a digit for I2_T_CH [K] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives resolution (in Kelvin) per digit for the value of I2_T_CH. Combined with the byte string in I2_T_CHB, the temperature stability in an imaging session will be evaluated. example(s): - 0.54545 8.32. I2_T_CMR -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: resolution per a digit for I2_T_CM [K] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives resolution (in Kelvin) per digit for the value of I2_T_CM. Combined with the byte string in I2_T_CMB, the temperature stability in an imaging session will be evaluated. example(s): - 0.54545 8.33. I2_T_HDR -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: resolution per a digit for I2_T_HD [K] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives resolution (in Kelvin) per digit for the value of I2_T_HD. Combined with the byte string in I2_T_HDB, the temperature stability in an imaging session will be evaluated. example(s): - 0.65217 8.34. I2_T_P1R -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: resolution per a digit for I2_T_P1 [K] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives resolution (in Kelvin) per digit for the value of I2_T_P1. Combined with the byte string in I2_T_P1B, the temperature stability in an imaging session will be evaluated. example(s): - 0.10917 8.35. I2_T_P2R -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: resolution per a digit for I2_T_P2 [K] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives resolution (in Kelvin) per digit for the value of I2_T_P2. Combined with the byte string in I2_T_P2B, the temperature stability in an imaging session will be evaluated. example(s): - 1.23348 8.36. I2_CLKn ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: IR2 CLKn DAC value level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string of hexadecimal value that gives IR2 clock no. n DAC (digital to analog converter) value, where n is 01, 02, ..., 15. These values represents various voltage setups. example(s): - '0x80' 8.37. I2_C2F ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: method for converting pixel counts to flux level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the method for converting pixel counts to flux. example(s): - 'Flux [W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1] = (Counts*K1+K0) / Exposure / Solid_Angle' 8.38. I2_C2FK1 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: K1 for level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value K1 in the value of I2_C2F. example(s): - 2.6e-11 8.39. I2_C2FK0 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: K0 for level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value K0 in the value of I2_C2F. example(s): - 0.0 8.40. I2_C2FSA -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: solid angle per a pixel [sr/pixel] level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the value SOLID_ANGLE in the value of I2_C2F. example(s): - 3.959e-08 8.41. I2_FLAT ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: filename of flat-field image level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filename of the flat-field image that is used to calibrate. example(s): - '' 8.42. I2_TCVER -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version for temperature correction of flat level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the version string of temperature correction of flat. This version string is for the value of the keywords I2_TC00, I2_TC10, I2_TC01, and I2_TC11. example(s): - 'V0.5 (2016-09-20)' 8.43. I2_TCF00 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: TC factor for quad(0,0) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives temperature correction (TC) factor for lower-left quadrant (named quad(0,0)). The pixels in lower-left quadrant are multiplied by the value of the keyword I2_TCF00 to correct the small difference of sensitivity through four quadrants of the CCD area. example(s): - 1.0456033 8.44. I2_TCF10 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: TC factor for quad(1,0) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives temperature correction (TC) factor for lower-right quadrant (named quad(1,0)). The pixels in lower-right quadrant are multiplied by the value of the keyword I2_TCF10 to correct the small difference of sensitivity through four quadrants of the CCD area. example(s): - 1.0533285 8.45. I2_TCF01 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: TC factor for quad(0,1) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives temperature correction (TC) factor for upper-left quadrant (named quad(0,1)). The pixels in upper-left quadrant are multiplied by the value of the keyword I2_TCF01 to correct the small difference of sensitivity through four quadrants of the CCD area. example(s): - 0.9446834 8.46. I2_TCF11 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: TC factor for quad(1,1) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives temperature correction (TC) factor for upper-right quadrant (named quad(1,1)). The pixels in upper-right quadrant are multiplied by the value of the keyword I2_TCF11 to correct the small difference of sensitivity through four quadrants of the CCD area. example(s): - 0.9611318 8.47. I2_TRSP4 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: transposition of pixels (1-4) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the positions of first four pixels in image after transposition. The first to fourth positions in the value of I2_TRSP4 indicate the position where corresponding pixels are relocated. In normal imaging mode, such transposition is seamlessly on board, while in "zodiacal light" mode, it is done in the Level 1 to Level 2 conversion. Therefore, this I12_TRSP4 keyword only appears in "zodiacal light" mode L2 images. example(s): - '[ 1, 1][520, 1][ 1,520][520,520]' 8.48. I2_TRSP8 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: transposition of pixels (5-8) level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the positions of 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th pixels in image after transposition. The 5th to 8th positions in the value of I2_TRSP8 indicate the position where corresponding pixels are relocated. In normal imaging mode, such transposition is seamlessly on board, while in "zodiacal light" mode, it is done in the Level 1 to Level 2 conversion. Therefore, this I12_TRSP4 keyword only appears in "zodiacal light" mode L2 images. example(s): - '[ 2, 1][519, 1][ 2,520][519,520]' 8.49. I2_C2E ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: number of electrons per count level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives number of electrons per count for the detector. example(s): - 70.0 - 7.0 8.50. I2_PTTRN -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version string for IR clock-pattern program level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives version string for IR clock-pattern program. The program is a compilation of clock patterns each of which drives the CCD with various exposure time, cal-lamp setting, etc. example(s): - '2010.11.29' 8.51. I2_FSNR ------------- lastupdate: status: proposed ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: S/N ratio of the flat used to calibrate level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative floating-point number that gives signal to noise ratio of the flat used to calibrate image. example(s): - 0.0 8.52. I2_DVER ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version of keyword dictionary for IR2 level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the version string of FITS header keyword dictionary of VCO data for IR2 camera. example(s): - '2016-08-24' 9. VCO LIR-specific Keywords ============================ 9.1. LI_PDATE ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR telemetry processing date in UTC level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives telemetry processing date for LIR images in UTC. The format of the string is same as DATE keyword. example(s): - '2010-12-15T15:10:52' 9.2. LI_IMID ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: LIR image ID level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives the image ID included in the telemetry. This keyword is mainly used for debug. The value must be within the range from 0 to 65535 (16 bit unsigned integer). The MSB is status bit that represents whether sensor status exists. If the sensor status exists, the MSB becomes 0, otherwise it becomes 1. If the image has experienced some operations onboard, the sensor status doesn't exist. The other 15 bits are ID associated with taking image that is within from 0 to 32767. example(s): - 63649 9.3. LI_PLTON ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR Peltier ON/OFF level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string of either 'ON' or 'OFF', which gives the power status of the Peltier cooler/heater for temperature stabilization of the micro-bolometer of LIR. Usually an image is acquired while the Peltier cooler is turned-on. example(s): - 'ON' - 'OFF' 9.4. LI_PLTST ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR Peltier status level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string of either '10C' or '40C', which gives the set value of temperature stabilization of the micro-bolometer by the Peltier cooler/heater of LIR. example(s): - '40C' - '10C' 9.5. LI_BOLST ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR bolometer status level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives status of the micro-bolometer of LIR. This value should be 'NORM' when LIR is in an operation mode of image acquisition and 'PRT' when LIR is in any other operation modes. example(s): - 'NORM' - 'PRT' 9.6. LI_NINT1 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: LIR number of the first accumulation (m) level: any pds3: VCO:LIR_FIRST_ACCUMULATION unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives number of the first accumulation for LIR image (called 'm'). Please see SIS for the detail. example(s): - 32 9.7. LI_NINT2 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: LIR number of the second accumulation (n) level: any pds3: VCO:LIR_SECOND_ACCUMULATION unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a positive integer that gives number of the second accumulation for LIR image (called 'n'). Please see SIS for the detail. example(s): - 32 9.8. LI_BOLTA ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: LIR bolometer calibration target level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives a target value for an average of outputs from all pixels of the micro-bolometer of LIR when onboard calibration of the micro-bolometer is executed. Usually this value should be set to be the center value of 12-bit integers. example(s): - 2048 9.9. LI_BOLRA ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: LIR bolometer calibration range level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives a target value which determines the temperature range measured by LIR when onboard calibration of the micro-bolometer is executed. example(s): - 8 9.10. LI_CENTI -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR center TI of integration level: any pds3: VCO:LIR_MEDIAN_TIME unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the VCO spacecraft clock count value in SPICE SCLK format string corresponding to central time of images to get the accumulated image. example(s): - '1/000559394583' 9.11. LI_BOL_T -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR mean bolometer temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR bolometer unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives LIR mean bolometer temperature in degrees Celsius. example(s): - 39.909 9.12. LI_PKG_T -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR mean package temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR package unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives LIR mean bolometer package temperature in degrees Celsius. example(s): - 25.451 9.13. LI_CAS_T -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR mean case temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR case unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a mean case temperature of LIR-S in degrees Celsius. example(s): - 25.614 9.14. LI_SHT_T -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR mean shutter temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR shutter unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives mean shutter temperature for LIR camera in degrees Celsius. example(s): - 25.95 9.15. LI_LEN_T -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR mean lens temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR lens unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives mean lens temperature for LIR camera in degrees Celsius. example(s): - 28.088 9.16. LI_BGR ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR mean BGR voltage [V] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_VOLTAGE_POINT, LIR band gap reference unit: V definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a mean voltage in the circuit for a band gap reference in the micro-bolometer array of LIR in volts. This parameter is used for developers only. example(s): - 1.21 9.17. LI_VB1 ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR mean VB1 voltage [V] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_VOLTAGE_POINT, LIR fixed pattern noise for calibration unit: V definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a mean voltage in the circuit for calibration of the on-chip fixed pattern noise in the micro-bolometer array of LIR in volts. This parameter is used for developers only. example(s): - 4.08 9.18. LI_ADOFS -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR mean A/D_OFS voltage [V] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_VOLTAGE_POINT, LIR mean offset voltage for input signal unit: V definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a mean offset voltage applied to the analog input signal in the analog-to-digital converter circuit of LIR in volts. This parameter is used for developers only. example(s): - 8.54 9.19. LI_HKU ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR HK time for calibration (UTC) level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives the time for LIR image calibration in UTC. This value is used to calculate HK data at the observation, by using linear interpolation with two HK data obtained at nearest time before observation, a value of LI_HKU0, and at nearest time after observation, a value of LI_HKU1. This value will be chosen as an appropriate time for image calibration by temperatures at several points and will be nearly equal to the value of DATE-OBS, DATE-BEG, or DATE-END, but not necessary. The format of the string is same as DATE keyword. example(s): - '2017-01-25T04:08:19.882' - 'N/A' 9.20. LI_HD_T ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR baffle temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR hood unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR baffle (hood) temperature in degrees Celsius interpolated linearly with two HK data which were obtained at each nearest timing before and after the observation time, a value of LI_HKU. example(s): - -42.652 - 'N/A' 9.21. LI_PN_T ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR panel temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR panel unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR panel temperature in degrees Celsius interpolated linearly with two HK data which were obtained at each nearest timing before and after the observation time, a value of LI_HKU. example(s): - 21.913 - 'N/A' 9.22. LI_LM_T ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR lens mount temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR lens mount unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR lens mount temperature in degrees Celsius interpolated linearly with two HK data which were obtained at each nearest timing before and after the observation time, a value of LI_HKU. example(s): - 27.138 - 'N/A' 9.23. LI_AE_T ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR analog electronics temperature [deg C] level: any pds3: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT, LIR analog electronics unit: degC definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR analog electronics temperature in degrees Celsius interpolated linearly with two HK data which were obtained at each nearest timing before and after the observation time, a value of LI_HKU. example(s): - 20.866 - 'N/A' 9.24. LI_HKU0 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR HK acquisition time before obs. (UTC) level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives a HK acquisition time in UTC that is the nearest time with HK data before observation that corresponds to a value of LI_HKU. The format of the string is same as DATE keyword. example(s): - '2017-01-25T04:08:19.882' - 'N/A' 9.25. LI_HKU1 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR HK acquisition time after obs. (UTC) level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives a HK acquisition time in UTC that is the nearest time with HK data after observation that corresponds to a value of LI_HKU. The format of the string is same as DATE keyword. example(s): - '2017-01-25T04:08:20' - 'N/A' 9.26. LI_HD_T0 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR baffle temperature before obs. [deg C] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR baffle (hood) temperature in degrees Celsius obtained at a value of LI_HKU0. example(s): - -42.652 - 'N/A' 9.27. LI_HD_T1 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR baffle temperature after obs. [deg C] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR baffle (hood) temperature in degrees Celsius obtained at a value of LI_HKU1. example(s): - -42.652 - 'N/A' 9.28. LI_PN_T0 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR panel temperature before obs. [deg C] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR panel temperature in degrees Celsius obtained at a value of LI_HKU0. example(s): - 21.913 - 'N/A' 9.29. LI_PN_T1 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR panel temperature after obs. [deg C] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR panel temperature in degrees Celsius obtained at a value of LI_HKU1. example(s): - 21.913 - 'N/A' 9.30. LI_LM_T0 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR lens mount temperature before obs. [deg C] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR lens mount temperature in degrees Celsius obtained at a value of LI_HKU0. example(s): - 21.913 - 'N/A' 9.31. LI_LM_T1 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR lens mount temperature after obs. [deg C] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR lens mount temperature in degrees Celsius obtained at a value of LI_HKU1. example(s): - 21.913 - 'N/A' 9.32. LI_AE_T0 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR analog electronics temp. before obs. [deg C] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR analog electronics temperature in degrees Celsius obtained at a value of LI_HKU0. example(s): - 21.913 - 'N/A' 9.33. LI_AE_T1 -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR analog electronics temp. after obs. [deg C] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives LIR analog electronics temperature in degrees Celsius obtained at a value of LI_HKU1. example(s): - 21.913 - 'N/A' 9.34. LI_HKD0 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR HK delta sec before observation [s] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives a time difference between observation time, a value of LI_HKU, and HK acquisition time at the nearest time with HK data before observation, a value of LI_HKU0. example(s): - -63.882 - 'N/A' 9.35. LI_HKD1 ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real, string comment: LIR HK delta sec after observation [s] level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a string that gives a time difference between observation time, a value of LI_HKU, and HK acquisition time at the nearest time with HK data after observation, a value of LI_HKU1. example(s): - 0.118 - 'N/A' 9.36. LI_TnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR TI at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the VCO spacecraft clock count value in SPICE SCLK format string for the n-th image when shutter is closed where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - '1/000559392534' 9.37. LI_TnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR TI at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the VCO spacecraft clock count value in SPICE SCLK format string for the n-th image when shutter is opened where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - '1/000559392599' 9.38. LI_BnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR BOL_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the bolometer temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is closed where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 39.92 9.39. LI_BnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR BOL_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the bolometer temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is opened where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 39.92 9.40. LI_PnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR PKG_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the bolometer package temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is closed where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 25.44 9.41. LI_PnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR PKG_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the bolometer package temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is opened where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 25.44 9.42. LI_CnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR CAS_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the case temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is closed where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 25.61 9.43. LI_CnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR CAS_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the case temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is opened where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 25.61 9.44. LI_SnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR SHT_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the shutter temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is closed where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 25.94 9.45. LI_SnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR SHT_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the shutter temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is opened where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 25.94 9.46. LI_LnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR LEN_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the lens temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is closed where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 27.27 9.47. LI_LnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR LEN_T [deg C] at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives the lens temperature in degrees Celsius for n-th image when shutter is opened where n is 001, 002, ..., 032. example(s): - 27.25 9.48. LI_GnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR BGR [V] at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a reference voltage used in the micro-bolometer array in volts for the n-th image acquired by LIR when the shutter is closed, where n is 001, 002, ..., or 032. example(s): - 1.21 9.49. LI_GnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR BGR [V] at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a reference voltage used in the micro-bolometer array in volts for the n-th image acquired by LIR when the shutter is opened, where n is 001, 002, ..., or 032. example(s): - 1.21 9.50. LI_VnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR VB1 [V] at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a reference voltage used in the micro-bolometer array in volts for the n-th image acquired by LIR when the shutter is closed, where n is 001, 002, ..., or 032. example(s): - 4.08 9.51. LI_VnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR VB1 [V] at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a reference voltage used in the micro-bolometer array in volts for the n-th image acquired by LIR when the shutter is opened, where n is 001, 002, ..., or 032. example(s): - 4.08 9.52. LI_AnC ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR AD_OFS [V] at image No. n SHT CLS level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a reference voltage used in the analog-to-digital converter circuit in volts for the n-th image acquired by LIR when the shutter is closed, where n is 001, 002, ..., or 032. example(s): - 8.54 9.53. LI_AnO ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR AD_OFS [V] at image No. n SHT OPN level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a reference voltage used in the analog-to-digital converter circuit in volts for the n-th image acquired by LIR when the shutter is opened, where n is 001, 002, ..., or 032. example(s): - 8.54 9.54. LI_C2T ------------ lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: method for converting pixel counts to brightness temperature level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the method for converting pixel counts to brightness temperature. example(s): - 'See SIS description' 9.55. LI_C2TSC -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: scaling table filename level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filename of scaling table used to calculate brightness temperature from counts. example(s): - '' 9.56. LI_C2TOF -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: offset table filename level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filename of offset table used to calculate brightness temperature from counts. example(s): - '' 9.57. LI_C2TSH -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: shutter table filename level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filename of shutter table used to calculate brightness temperature from counts. example(s): - '' 9.58. LI_C2TRF -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR reference temperature for shutter [deg C] level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a set value of reference temperature of the shutter of LIR in degrees Celsius. example(s): - 24.0 9.59. LI_B_ERR -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: LIR second accumulation bit error flag level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a non-negative integer that gives an error flag for wrong bit-shift in onboard calculation of LIR, which happened from June 16 to September 28, 2016. If LI_B_ERR = 1, the error has happened and corrected with a correction equation. If LI_B_ERR = 0, no error has happened. Please see SIS for more detail. example(s): - 0 - 1 9.60. LI_C2TKn -------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: Kn for LIR level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives coefficients used to calculate brightness temperature from counts where n is 0, 1, ..., 7. For more detail, please see SIS of LIR. example(s): - 153.3229 9.61. LI_HKF ------------ lastupdate: 2018-02-10 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: integer comment: LIR HK interpolation flag level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain an integer that gives interpolation condition of baffle temperature (LI_HD_T). 0 indicates one of LI_HD_T0 and LI_HD_T1 or both are 'N/A'. 1 indicates both LI_HD_T0 and LI_HD_T1 were acquired within 120 seconds from DATE-OBS. 2 indicates one of LI_HD_T0 and LI_HD_T1 or both were acquired within 2048 seconds from DATE-OBS. example(s): - 0 - 1 - 2 9.62. LI_C2TBF -------------- lastupdate: 2018-02-10 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR baffle table filename level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filename of a calibration coefficient table used to correct brightness count in L1a/b which may vary due to baffle (hood) temperature variation and solar illumination direction (+Z or -Z). example(s): - '' 9.63. LI_C2TSR -------------- lastupdate: 2018-02-10 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: LIR SRF filename level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives filename of a sensor spectral response function of LIR, which is used to estimate thermal radiation from the baffle (hood) of LIR. example(s): - 'lir_srf_v02.txt' 9.64. LI_C2TRB -------------- lastupdate: 2018-02-10 status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: real comment: LIR reference temperature for baffle [deg C] level: L2 pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a floating-point number that gives a set value of reference temperature of the baffle (hood) of LIR in degrees Celsius. example(s): - -43.15 9.65. LI_DVER ------------- lastupdate: status: approved ref_name: VCO FITS header keyword dictionary ref_url: hdu: image datatype: string comment: version of keyword dictionary for LIR level: any pds3: (None) unit: (None) definition: The value field shall contain a character string that gives the version string of FITS header keyword dictionary of VCO data for LIR camera. example(s): - '2016-08-24'