Selected Publications


Oya, H.,
Summary on Plasma Wave Emissions Observed by - Preliminary Report for the Initial Phase of the Observation Results, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Se. 5, Geophysics, 26(1), 1, 1979

Oya, H., Kawashima, N. and Obayashi, T.,
Summary of JIKIKEN Observation : Preliminary Report of the Initial Observation Result (c. Wave-Particle Interactions in the Magnetosphere) Antarctic Record, 68, 129, 1980-02 (in Japanese)

Obayashi, T. et al.,
The Sixth Scientific Satellite "JIKIKEN" : EXOS-B, Bulletin of ISAS, 16(1B), 71, 1980-02 (in Japanese)

Last Modified: 05 January 2021