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      V   V  S      O   O  P   P                   --____/ \____--            
      V   V   SSS   O   O  PPPP                    _ _ _ --- _ _ _            
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Previous Issue Number 161 2nd December 2005 Following Issue


At 02:28 UT on Wednesday 30th November, HALCA operations were terminated. HALCA's last VSOP observation was in October 2003, after which attitude control was lost. Two of HALCA's four reaction wheels appeared to be operational, but without a functional third reaction wheel, the satellite could not be three-axis stabilized. In the final tracking pass, HALCA's downlink antenna was maneuvered to confirm its gimbals were still functional. The valves to the thrusters were opened and the small amount of remaining fuel was expended. Then, 3213 days after launch, the command to finally switch off HALCA's S-band transmitter was sent with, appropriately, former Project Manager, Haruto Hirosawa, and Project Scientist, Hisashi Hirabayashi, seated at the control desk. HALCA is now resting peacefully...

Although HALCA operations have ended, the VSOP mission will continue until the end of the fiscal year, 31 March 2006, with work continuing on the VSOP data archive, the preparation of results for publication, and so on. Following a tradition started by other ISAS missions, it is planned to compile a collection of "memories of HALCA", with contributions welcomed from all VSOP readers. This could be an account of first hearing about VSOP, or recalling a visit to ISAS, or finding your first space fringes, or experiences in supporting VSOP observations, or any other memorable moment(s). Submissions, in any format, are welcome at any time -- more details will be given in the next VSOP news.


The VSOP special issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, which was originally intended for the last issue of this year, will now be published early next year. Delays with both the special issue to precede the VSOP special issue, and the refereeing of some papers, have resulted in the delay.


The VSOP-2 proposal was submitted to ISAS at the end of September and the ISAS Science Steering Committee's Evaluation Sub-committee met for the first time on November 15th. A decision is expected after their next meeting, on December 12th.

A VSOP-2 meeting was held during the URSI General Assembly in New Delhi in October. Presentations given at the meeting, and VSOP-2 related presentations given in other General Assembly sessions, are being added to the VSOP-2 webpage, http://www.vsop.isas.jaxa.jp/vsop2e/ . The webpage also includes a link to the current version of the abridged English version of the VSOP-2 proposal. The English version omits some of the detailed technical description of the satellite design, but gives (it is hoped) a good overview of all satellite and mission planning. Comments, or requests for more detail in particular areas, are welcomed.

                Editors: Phil Edwards and Hirax Hirabayashi