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Previous Issue Number 52 17th January 1997 Following Issue

Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! And a Happy New Year to all VSOP news readers! With launch rapidly approaching, it was felt that a single newsletter would best serve to distribute information, and so the VSOP News distribution list has been augmented by the addition of the JPL SVLBI Project News distribution list. While every effort has been made to minimize the doubling up of addresses, some people may receive two copies of this issue. Please send any corrections or updates of e-mail addresses to pge at the address below.


Final integration testing of the VSOP satellite, Muses-B, was completed at ISAS at the end of December. The satellite was packed into a container on January 8th for transport to the Kagoshima Space Center. The air in the container was replaced with nitrogen gas to prevent any oxidation of satellite components en route. The packaged satellite left ISAS at 7pm (JST) on Friday 10th January, and was seen off by a group of thirty or so ISAS staff and subcontractors. It was, in both senses of the word, a moving occasion, with team members who have spent up to eight years working on the project seeing another major milestone flash by on the road to launch. The satellite arrived safely at KSC on Monday January 13th. This week the satellite has been undergoing reassembly and testing in the clean room at KSC. The rocket, M-V-1, is already in place on the launch pad, and the satellite is scheduled to be put in place on top of the rocket on January 27th.


The task of checking all VSOP related interfaces and procedures has been continuing. The VSOG has been generating dummy schedules for tracking stations and distributing these as will be the case for routine operations. A range of ground radio telescope tests have also been carried out the last week: VSOP Terminal tests were carried out between Usuda and Kashima; S2 recorder tests were conducted by several of the GRTs recently equipped with Canadian S2 systems; and the third in a series of MkIV/VLBA tests was performed.


Today marks the anniversary of the Great Hanshin Earthquake, which destroyed much of Kobe two years ago. Much has been done in the way of redevelopment, however there are still many people in temporary housing units. Elderly survivors of the quake have had a particularly hard time, with some reliant on volunteer groups for daily necessities. The quake has had repercussions throughout Japan, with building codes and practices being reviewed, and the reinforcing of existing structures, particularly elevated highways, ongoing.


1997 (Heisei 9 in the Japanese system) is, according to the ancient Chinese twelve year cycle, the year of the Ox. Recommended birthday presents this year include Clocks, Socks and Woks -- in a gift-wrapped box, of course!

Editors: Phil Edwards and Hirax Hirabayashi