S2 SVHS Tape Handling Overview for VSOP ======================================= Brent Carlson Feb. 20, 1997 Introduction ============ This note describes general S2 tape handling procedures at GRTs and tracking stations for CSA supplied (Super VHS) videotapes for S2 data recording. A short-form version of this information will be included in an instruction sheet which will be included with each tape shipment. An additional note on GRT operations can be found in [1]. S2 tape labelling and tape ID requirements can be found in [2]. This procedure is for tapes shipped from the Canadian VLBI Operations Center (CVOC) (i.e. the Canadian correlator at DRAO in Penticton). Background ========== S2 SVHS tapes will be shipped to GRTs and tracking stations in specially designed shipping containers. There are two types of containers. A small container holds one (1) "TAPE-PACK" (8 S2 tapes) and a large container holds four (4) TAPE-PACK's. The small containers will be used where we expect rapid turn-around to be necessary (mostly tracking stations and sometimes GRT's during In-orbit Check-out (IOC)). The large container (four TAPE-PACK's) consist of six basic components: 1. The outer foam-padded shipping container (each shipping container is labelled with a 'carton-ID'). 2. A cardboard TAPE-PACK sleeve to facilitate easy handling of tapes in sets of 8. The sleeve contains the tape set serial number label (tape-ID) as well as a label for operator notes. 3. An INSTRUCTION SHEET indicating tape handling procedures. This is a short form of these instructions. 4. Shipping documentation to the record site which includes CUSTOMS related letters to expedite shipment TO the record site. 5. A RETURN ADDRESS STICKER that indicates where to ship the carton back to the correlator. 6. Any necessary CUSTOMS-related letters/DOCUMENTATION to expedite delivery BACK to the correlator. The small container (one TAPE-PACK) also contains the same instruction sheet, return address sticker, and customs documentation (i.e. exactly the same except that it holds only one TAPE-PACK). Procedures ========== The following procedures must be followed at each GRT and tracking station for correct operation. a) When one or more shipping containers are received they must be left unopened in the ambient environment of the S2 recorder for 24 hours. This is to make sure that they stabilize slowly in temperature, and that condensation forms on the outer container rather than the tapes if the container arrives "cold". (If there is a desperate shortage of tapes, then this step is advisory only.) b) The cartons are then opened and a list of "root" tape-ID's (e.g. CA-3-00050A, found on the tape pack sleeve or the tape serial number without the trailing "-N") are e-mailed to the Canadian VLBI Operations Center (CVOC) at "vlbiop@drao.nrc.ca". Please indicate the receive date, the station name, the "carton-IDs" (e.g. CSA0002, found on a label on the side of the shipping container), and the shipment 'way-bill' number as well. (N.B. If no e-mail access is available at a record site then use the FAX number +1-250-493-7767 (Attention: Space VLBI)). c) When a tape set is required for recording, the TAPE-PACK is removed from the sleeve and the tapes are installed in the S2. Tapes are installed with tape number "-0" going into S2 transport 0 and working consecutively higher. The YEAR,DAY,HOUR of the start UT time of the recording must be noted on the TAPE-PACK sleeve label as well as station/antenna name. d) Once recording is complete, the tapes are removed from the S2 and put back in the tape pack sleeve from whence they came. Put them in so that the round green/yellow stickers on the tape spines are all lined up on one side. USE A PEN OR FELT MARKER TO MARK EACH ROUND GREEN STICKER ON EACH CASSETTE AND THE ROUND GREEN/YELLOW STICKER ON THE TAPE PACK SLEEVE AS WELL -- THIS INDICATES THAT THE TAPES CONTAIN RECORDED DATA. e) If the TAPE-PACK is to be used for a quick-turnaround correlation/fringe search, or there won't be another recording for 1 or more weeks using the S2 then use a small shipping container to return the tapes. (Tracking stations will almost always use small shipping containers.) Otherwise, wait until four sets of tapes have been recorded, and use a large shipping container. Although it is preferable to ship tapes in the containers in which they are received, it is not absolutely necessary. All record sites will eventually get a selection of tapes in large and small shipping containers. The number of each will depend upon usage. The most expensive part of the shipping containers is the foam padding. PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD THE FOAM. Extra cardboard containers are available at the correlator. In order to correlate the data in a reasonable time after acquisition, the MAXIMUM time that a recorded tape pack can remain at a record site waiting for shipment is 1 WEEK. f) When a shipment of tapes is made, send an e-mail message to "vlbiop@drao.nrc.ca" which contains the root tape-ID's of the tapes that were shipped as well as the carton-IDs of any cartons that were shipped. Include the shipment 'way-bill' and shipping company in the e-mail message as well. g) If it is necessary to ship one or more TAPE-PACK's to a site other than the Canadian Correlator (CVOC), please notify the correlator of the shipment via e-mail as in note f). For example, this will be required if tapes are to be forwarded to one of the tape copiers at the Mitaka correlator in Japan. References: see DRAO Correlator Web site http://www.drao.nrc.ca under Space VLBI, DRAO Correlator, Technical Documentation. ========== [1] Feil, Georg "S2 GRT Operations Overview for VSOP", Version 1.4 [2] Carlson, Brent "S2 VLBI Tape ID and User Info Field Format Requirements for Canadian (S2) Correlator Operational Compatibility", DRAO-RPCS3001 Rev. 1.1, July 30, 1996