*-----------------------------------------------------------------------* | Second Announcement of | | | | The VSOP Symposium on | | | | High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space-VLBI | | | | January 19-21, 2000 | | | | ISAS, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan | | | | Hosted by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. | | | | http://www.vsop.isas.ac.jp/Symposium.html | | | | August 13, 1999 | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* This is the second Announcement of the VSOP Symposium on High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space-VLBI to be held from Wednesday 19 January to Friday 21 January, 2000, at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan. This Announcement includes preliminary details of the scientific program, and the latex template for the submission of abstracts, to be returned by 15 October, 1999. --------------------------------------- | Scientific Program | --------------------------------------- Following the successful launch of the VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) satellite HALCA in February 1997 there have been many exciting results from space VLBI observations. The purpose of the symposium is to bring together people working on VSOP observations, supporting multi- wavelength observations, and theoretical interpretations of these observations to celebrate the third anniversary of HALCA's launch, and the tenth anniversary of the "Frontiers of VLBI" symposium at ISAS. A mixture of invited talks, contributed papers, and poster presentations will cover the current status of observational and theoretical research. The program is expected to include the following topics: * High Brightness Temperature sources * Intra-Day Variables * GeV and TeV gamma-ray sources * GHz-Peaked-Spectrum sources * Structural changes revealed by monitoring * Survey programs * Future prospects for Space VLBI The current list of Invited Speakers includes D. Gabuzda (JIVE), T. Krichbaum (MPIfR), A. Marscher* (Boston), K. Shibata (Kyoto), I. Snellen* (Cambridge) and T. Takahashi* (ISAS) (* = to be confirmed). Proceedings will be published within two months of the symposium. Conference participants will be expected to bring camera-ready copies of their contributions to the conference, or to submit them within a few weeks of the conference. The latex template for papers will be made available from the Symposium WWW page (http://www.vsop.isas.ac.jp/Symposium). A conference banquet is being planned, tentatively for the evening of Thursday 20th January. Post-conference tours to Usuda and Nobeyama (weather conditions permitting), Mitaka, the historic city of Kamakura and the January sumo tournament will be arranged if there are sufficient numbers of interested people. ---------------------------------------------------- | Facilities | ---------------------------------------------------- Two overhead projectors, video, and electronic (e.g. powerpoint) display facilities will be made available for oral presentations. Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference. A limited number of terminals for participants to check e-mail etc. will also be made available. ---------------------------------------------------- | Registration | ---------------------------------------------------- There will be a modest Registration Fee for the conference, which will cover refreshments during the conference, a copy of the conference proceedings and the conference banquet. Payment of the Registration Fee will be accepted in Japanese yen at the conference registration desk. ---------------------------------------------------- | Accommodation | ---------------------------------------------------- Negotiations are underway with hotels in Sagamihara and Machida. Details will be provided in the Third Announcement for those attending the conference to fax the hotels and arrange accommodation directly. ---------------------------------------------------- | Important Dates | ---------------------------------------------------- August 13, 1999 2nd Announcement October 1, 1999 3rd Announcement October 15, 1999 Abstracts due for contributed papers December 1, 1999 Final Announcement with programme etc January 19-21, 2000 Symposium February 4, 2000 Manuscript deadline March, 2000 Publication of proceedings ---------------------------------------------------- | Latex template for Abstracts | ---------------------------------------------------- Please complete the following form and return it to submit@vsop.isas.ac.jp by Friday October 15, 1999. ---8<------------------------------------------------------------------------ %====================================================================== % % Latex form for abstracts for the VSOP Symposium % %====================================================================== \documentstyle{report} \hoffset-6mm\voffset-22mm \textheight25cm\textwidth16cm\topmargin1cm\topskip-0.5cm \oddsidemargin1cm\hbadness=3000\evensidemargin0cm\parindent1em \itemsep\parskip\topsep\parskip\parindent=0pt \font\big=cmb10 scaled \magstep3 % \begin{document} {\LARGE\bf \centering %======================================================================= % Please type the title here; e.g. Recent VSOP Results % Keep title to one line if possible: if two lines are necessary use % \newline\newline % to break the title at the appropriate place. %======================================================================= Recent VSOP Results %----------------------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip} {\large\bf %======================================================================= % Please type the authors here % e.g., Author A.$^1$, Author B.C.$^1$, and Author D.$^2$ %======================================================================= Author A.$^1$, Author B.C.$^1$, and Author D.$^2$ %----------------------------------------------------------------------- \medskip} %======================================================================= % Please type the institute affiliations of all authors here % e.g. $^1$ISAS, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan \newline % $^2$NAO, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan. % If all authors are from the same institution, the superscript $^1$ is % not required in the author list and affiliation. %======================================================================= $^1$ISAS, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan \newline $^2$NAO, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan %----------------------------------------------------------------------- \medskip %======================================================================= % Please type the abstract text here (maximum 200 words). % If references are included in the abstract, please give % the reference in full, e.g. % `... as shown by Hirabayashi et al.\ (1998, Science, 281, 1825) ...' %======================================================================= Please type the abstract text here (maximum 200 words) %======================================================================= \vskip1cm \end{document} \bye %======================================================================= % Please email the completed latex file by Friday October 15th, 1999, to % % submit@vsop.isas.ac.jp % % Thank you! %======================================================================= ---8<------------------------------------------------------------------------