

amica nirs lidar
xrs spice shape model
definition data level

The scientific data produced by Hayabusa mission are categorized by data level as follows.

  • Level 0: Raw data (equal to telemetry data)
  • Level 1: Data preserved after format change of telemetry data

    (Only telemetry data necessary for each instrument is included.)

  • Level 2: Data produced by processing the Level-1 data
data format

The data obtained by Hayabusa onboard scientific instruments are archived in FITS and ASCII data format. The geometry information on the observations of each instrument are available in the form of SPICE kernels

FITS data format

FITS stands for 'Flexible Image Transport System' and is the standard data format used in astronomy endorsed by NASA and IAU. FITS is much more than an image format (such as JPG or GIF) and is primarily designed to store scientific data sets consisting of multi-dimensional arrays (1-D spectra, 2-D images or 3-D data cubes) and 2-dimensional tables containing rows and columns of data. (see the FITS Standard for details)

The FITS Support Office - for general information about FITS

SPICE kernel

The primary SPICE data sets are often called 'kernels' or 'kernel files'. SPICE kernels are composed of navigation and other ancillary information that has been structured and formatted for easy access and correct use by the space science and engineering communities. The SPICE system includes the NAIF Toolkit, a large collection of allied software. The principal component of this Toolkit is a library of portable subroutines needed to read the kernel files and to then calculate observation geometry parameters of interest.

NAIF Website - for general information about SPICE


Not DARTS but NASA/PDS publishes the HAYABUSA data. PDS is the site of NASA controlled for publication of planetary data. There are some differences between DARTS and PDS data. Read the each instrument page about those differences.
