Thermal Electron Energy Distribution (TED)

1989 Mar. to 1998 Dec.

Request for Users

All data is freely used in researches and oral/postal presentations. If you request special diagrams of the TED, please contact to Prof. Oyama before using the data in oral/poster presentations.
    1. Before the submission, you should contact to Prof. Oyama for the confirmation of the data reliability.
    2. We ask you to send reprints to AKEBONO Project Office.
    3. The use of the DARTS/AKEBONO data should be acknowledged, for example, as "AKEBONO TED data were provided by Prof. Oyama through DARTS at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan."

Information of TED

Data of the TED and Caution
PI and Contact person

ET-diagram and SDB at specific date

0. Available data in each year

1. Please set "Year and Month".


2. Please select output type

ET-Plot SDB-data

Last Modified: 05 January 2021