Ion 3D Distribution Function (Editor-A 12 sec resolution)

One sample data of the ion 3D distribution function is consist of the following 3586 lines.
The velocity vector presents the flowing direction. (not the sensor looking direction)

1) 1st Line

Column No. Name Unit Forat
1 Date YYYYMMDD i8
2 Time HH:MM:SS 3(1x,i2.2)

2) 3584 Lines

Column No. Name Unit Format
1 Energy keV f8.3
2 |V| km/s f8.0
3 azimuthal angle degree in GSE f8.2
4 elevation angle degree in GSE f8.2
5 counts/sample counts f8.2
6 phase space density s3/m6 e12.3
7 one count level s3/m6 e12.3

3) A Blank Line

Ion 2D Distribution Function (Editor-B 12 sec resolution)

One sample data of the ion 2D distribution function is consist of the following 514 lines.
The velocity vector presents the flowing direction. (not the sensor looking direction)

1) 1st Line

Column No. Name Unit Forat
1 Date YYYYMMDD i8
2 Time HH:MM:SS 3(1x,i2.2)

2) 512 Lines

Column No. Name Unit Format
1 Energy keV f8.3
2 |V| km/s f8.0
3 azimuthal angle degree in GSE f8.2
4 counts/sample counts f8.2
5 phase space density s3/m6 e12.3
6 one count level s3/m6 e12.3

3) A Blank Line

Last Modified: 05 January 2021