AKARI Pointed Observation data

AKARI has made about 18,000 pointed observations in 2006-2011. The data are open to public for scientific research. A brief summary of the data, how to retrieve and how to use, is given in this page. Please refer to the Data User's Manual and user support page prepared by the AKARI team for details of the data usage as well as caveats of the data. We also remind you that there are processed (science ready) data distributed from DARTS.


Observation Modes and AOT (Astronomical Observation Template)

The AKARI's pointed observations were performed following the pre-defined Astronomical Observation Templates (AOTs), which specified the operation mode of the instrument, e.g., selection of the filters, data acquisition mode, attitude control mode, etc. The AOT provide information to select appropriate data for one's purpose. The data reduction toolkits are prepared for these pointed observation data and distributed from the AKARI user support page. The toolkits should appropriately process and calibrate the data of each AOT, so users do not need to be aware of the AOTs in detail. For more details, please consult the Observer's Manual and Data User's Manual, available from the AKARI user support page.

Data access

The AKARI science data can be retrieved from DARTS via http or the DARTS/Astro Query System.

Direct access to archive directories

You can transfer the data from HTTPS server.
Version 1
Raw data of FIS and IRC pointed observations (imaging and spectroscopy) made during Phase 1 & 2 (Liquid-Helium cooling phase).
Version 2
Raw IRC/NIR pointed observation data (imaging and spectroscopy) during the post-Helium phase (Phase 3).

Data access via DARTS/Astro Query System

The DARTS/Astro Query System enables you to search for observation data, observation logs, data products, proposals, etc., which are publicly available in DARTS/Astro. You can search for various data from different satellites such as AKARI, Hitomi, Suzaku, ASCA, Ginga, HALCA, etc. at once on the same platform.

Please see DARTS/Astro Query System User Guide for more details.


  • Encrypt the data : The AKARI Pointed Observation Data Archive contains some data encrypted with GPG (Gnu/PGP; version 1.0.7). The filenames of these data end with *.gpg (e.g., AKARI_FIS_3160042_001.tar.gpg ). They are mainly engineering data and not useful for scientific analysis, or those are needed special treatment for data analysis. If you are interested in these data, please contact the helpdesk (darts-admin AT ML.isas.jaxa.jp).

Metadata Tables

These are metadata and log of AKARI Pointed observations. The table description is here.

Last Modified: 20 July 2023