
DARTS of the Month

FIS,Abell cluster cross-match

Match-up AKARI catalogs with cached SIMBAD/NED data

This month, we introduce a new service from DARTS/AKARI.

AKARI Catalog Archive Service (AKARI-CAS) is an Web service for research and study using the AKARI catalogs. You can search a target by coordinates, or by typing SQL sentences, and do more. Dynamic links to other astronomical services are also provided. In addition to the access from your web-browser, you can also use our service from your local terminal.

Here, a new search tool, Match-up AKARI catalogs with Cached SIMBAD/NED catalogs is installed. Please enjoy cross-matching.

The table above is a part of the output from cross-matching between the AKARI FIS and Abell cluster catalogs. This was created by selecting "NED Cache" and typing "ABELL %" into Pattern for object name, along with other parameters in default settings.

C. Yamauchi, July, 2010

Last Modified: 04 December 2023