
DARTS of the Month

by Yukio Yamamoto, 2011-3
Footprints on the Moon created using Hadoop Steaming by Y.Yamamoto (ISAS).

Large-scale data in space science

In February 2011, ISAS/C-SODA, which provides DARTS, organized a symposium with the title given above. On this topic, researchers from various domains from space science got together, reported, and discussed for a day. Most of talks are related to current and future developments of DARTS. For example, Yukio Yamamoto, a DARTS staff, presented a talk on the handling of large-scale data from the Moon and planets using Hadoop Streaming. The figure shows an example created by that new method. Other talks include "Large astronomical catalogs and cross-matching in position" by Chisato Yamauchi and "Outreach and education using large-scale data from science satellites" by Akira Miura, both from ISAS. We hope to improve our DARTS services using some of new ideas from the symposium.


March 2011

Last Modified: 04 December 2023