LSPE Data Word Allocation

The LSPE data were acquired and downlinked at 3533 bps, high-bit-rate. Each frame is broken into 3 subframes, each consisting of twenty 30-bit words.

Down-link information

3533 bits/sec, high-bit rate
1060 bits/sec, normal-bit rate
1.963 frames/sec, high-bit rate
0.588 frames/sec, noraml-bit rate
3 subframe/frame
20 words/subframe
30 bits/word

Frame Constitution

Each 30-bit downlink word is subdivided into smaller data words. The first word in each subframe is broken into one 10-bit sync word and one 5-bit seismic data sample from each of the four seismic data (geophone data) channels. Each of the remaining 19 words of each subframe consists of one 7-bit seismic data sample from each of the four seismic data (geophone data) channels and a 2-bit subcom. The 2-bit subcom contains the geophone amplifier gain status, transmitter on/off status, subframe identification, and 8-bit samples from 11 engineering channels, four in each subframe. The geophone samples are formed from either the five or seven most significant bits of the 8-bit A/D converter output, reading out the most significant bit first.

LSPE Data Word 1

Bit No1234567 8910111213141516 171819202122232425 2627282930
Weight000011 10112726 25242327 26252423 27262524 23272625 2423
ContentsSync code Geophone No.1 Geophone No.2 Geophone No.3 Geophone No.4

LSPE Data Word 2-20

Bit No1234567 8910111213141516 171819202122232425 2627282930
Weight272625 24232221 27262524 232221 27262524 232221 27262524 232221
ContentsGeophone No.1 Geophone No.2 Geophone No.3 Geophone No.4 Sub-com

Sub-com contents

The contents of sub-com allocated in bits 29 and 30 of LSPE data words 2-20 are different among the words, and some are different for sub-frame numbers. Each of the 11 8-bit engineering data is divided into 4 parts (2bits each), and put into 4 words.

Sub-frameWord Content
13RF Fire Pulses Status
14,5,6,7LSPE MUX A/D Cal Ref Volt #1
18,9,10,11LSPE DC/DC Converter Volt #2
112,13,14,15ALSEP C/S Reserve Power
116,17,18,19LSPE MUX A/D Cal Ref Volt #2
24,5,6,7ALSEP C/S PC#1 Input Voltage
28,9,10,11ALSEP C/S Thermal Plate 6 Temp
212,13,14,15Geophone Cal Pulse Amplitude
216,17,18,19ALSEP C/S PCU Conv. Input Cur
34,5,6,7ALSEP C/S Exp1&2 Power Status
38,9,10,11LSPE Temp Monitor
316,17,18,19ALSEP C/S Exp3&4 Power Status
all2 29bitGeophone Cal Pulse Status
all2 30bitGeophone Amp Gain Status
all20LSEP Sub-frame ID

Geophone Status Bit Settings in Word 2

Bit No
01Calib. Pulse Off / Geophone Amp Gain Normal
00Calib. Pulse Off / Geophone Amp Gain Low
11Calib. Pulse On / Geophone Amp Gain Normal
10Calib. Pulse On / Geophone Amp Gain Low

Sub-frame ID Bit Settings in Word 20

Bit No
11Sub-frame 1
01Sub-frame 2
10Sub-frame 3

Last Modified: 26 March 2019