Welcome to DARTS/Akebono
We are happy to provide you with data obtained from the Akebono (Exos-D) satellite. We hope our database will be very useful for your research on auroral, ionospheric, and magnetospheric physics as well as space plasma physics. Please enjoy!
► Rules of the Road
- All data are freely available for researches and oral/poster presentations.
- If you have any questions or request for the data, please contact the principal investigators.
- We recommend you to contact PIs/Co-PIs before using the data for any publications in order to confirm the reliability of the data.
- Before submission, you should contact PIs (and/or Co-PIs) to confirm the principle of coauthorship and acknowledgments.
- You should send a reprint to the corresponding PIs and the Akebono Project Office at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA in Japan.
- In any publications, the use of the Akebono data should be acknowledged, for example, as "Akebono data were provided by (the corresponding PIs) through DARTS at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA in Japan."